
Also, remember when Sam Nunberg said he felt horrible for Michael Cohen because Trump was going to throw him under a big bus very soon?

This little nugget is hilarious:

Speak for yourself. I miss M*A*S*H and would like to see them bring it back, like ‘Roseanne’.

No, no it doesn’t make sense at all. The other programmers wouldn’t be afraid of Gilfoyle. He doesn’t come to work until 11 or noon. They would view him as a douchebag and they’d get a lot of work done before he even showed up, probably including booby-trapping his work station in some memorably awful ways.

They might not have been able to get their A Team out to LA in time. Otherwise they can usually change pretty quickly, I think.

If you have to do that much suspension of disbelief you’re just rewarding lazy writers. Those other programmers have egos, too. And they wouldn’t think Gilfoyle is all that. They’d think he’s a pompous ass and they wouldn’t mind one bit fucking up his speakers. The beauty of the show has always been that it was

Watch the excellent movie “Hero” with Sam Elliott, where he has to audition for a role in a big budget franchise YA movie. It’s excruciating.  

Those programmers wouldn’t give a shit about that. They’ve totally shitted all over Richard repeatedly and they could all go get another job tomorrow. Nobody in that room is afraid of Gilfoyle except maybe Dinesh.

There should also be a Theranos story here. It’s a more common occurrence than most people think, and could be perfect for satirizing. I suppose hot dog / not a hot dog sort of touched on that. But what Holmes did was extraordinary by getting so many generals and senators and doctors to sit on her board and give her

Haha, ridiculous. I’ve worked with lots of engineers, and you know who would be the first person to walk over and pull the plug on that stupid fucking “alert”? An engineer. And they’d tell Gilfoyle never to pull that shit in the office again. And if he did it again? They would destroy him.

It’s just unwatchable. The equivalent of Fox & Friends if it was hosted by Brian Kilmeade and two clones of Brian Kilmeade.

I’m a Nats fan, but why on earth would ESPN not have MLB move the Angels game to a 5pm PT start and show that instead of the Nats-Mets game last night? Harper’s having an awesome start, but who wouldn’t rather watch Ohtani pitch right now? I don’t think baseball recognizes what they’ve got.

I hope so, too. I don’t like disliking this show, especially knowing how much material there is to mine in Valley culture. But there seems to have been some major falloff in writing quality to start this season. Maybe they’re just finding their legs, but it feels more like they’ve gotten lazy.

In fairness, it destroyed SportsCenter, too. And evidently turned it into some shitshow called “Get Up”.

Watching Ohtani hit that ball to Mars off of Kluber was kind of entertaining.

If the batting order was reversed for those two, I’d bet they would’ve pitched to Stanton until he showed some signs of life. Make him beat you.

The bases-loaded double-play bouncer to the pitcher-to-home-to-3B is a thing of beauty.

Your last sentence should’ve just read, “Change My Mind.”