
So the alternative is simply to buy gas before heading into the desert — that’s the way the everyman can take a stand against the perceived price gouging. 

While you have a point about the morality taking advantage of victims, we might need to define terms here.

Here’s a radical pitch:

I am here for new directions and new perspectives, however this

Because when I think Star Trek Protagonist, the words “genocidal cannibal dictator working for a quasi fascist secret police” immediately spring to mind...

I love Trek. I love Yeoh. I do not want more Giorgio. The adventures of “reformed” space Hitler do not appeal to me.

What? No! Bad Paramount+! Bad studio! Put it down! 

Why should sex and gender be divided in a video game? Why not just have all genders represented as sexes? I’m not LGBT, but isn’t it self-defeating to want to be a man, but then putting yourself as a born woman in a video game who transitions to a man, instead of just playing as a male? Same goes for non-binary. Just

Among GLAAD’s most striking findings is that 17 percent of active gamers identify as LGBTQ. And yet, only a paltry 2 percent of games on major PC and console storefronts (PSN, Steam, the Nintendo eShop and so on) are tagged as having LGBTQ content, suggesting that games which actually feature queer characters or

I have never played a game because the characters look like me or have my skin color. Not once in all the times I’ve played RE4 did I wish Leon was black. His skin color being similar to mine wouldn’t have made the game more enjoyable. As usual, people have too much time on their hands and not enough hardship, so they

Oh good a wall of text filled with “I bet there are problematic games that exist”. No examples, never mind how hard that would be to find a game from the last 8 years fitting the hypothetical “sexy lady win screen”. Bulletproof shit right here ladies and gents! If they think games might still be made like the 80's

That’s not even close to what I said. My point is that you need to compare games with LGBT representation to games with straight representation to understand if the LGBT population is being adequately represented. Because a SIGNIFICANT amount of games don't have any orientation represented at all.

Imagine reading their post and taking whatever that is from it?

I don’t know about most folks, but very few of the games I play address ideas even related to gender identity or sexuality, because they just don’t matter for what the point of the game is.

So what you’re saying is that context is key, and absent context, you’re just spitting numbers out that have no meaning?

Representation is absolutely important, but that 2% seems like it represents an awful lot of games that don’t include straight representation, either. Basically all puzzle games, racing games, 4x games, sports games, and a sizeable chunk of action games don’t have LGBT representation, and it would be weird if they did.

we found that games with LGBTQ characters or storylines account for less than 2% of all games”

It was weird enough that I went to the sources. I’m not thinking that there are many folks who know what “sic” means but who don’t also know that the Commonwealth countries throw in extra “u’s” at no extra cost. I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one to call this out.

Yeah, I was wondering whether those were from the sources cited, or added by the author of this piece. I can’t imagine anyone is going to be terribly confused by British spellings.

Ha, what the hell is with the multiple “[sic]” notes here? That’s how they spell stuff over there. It’s perfectly acceptable.