
No, hes saying that China isnt allowing a fair exchange of ideas, showing content in a way that makes their ideology appear superior and not showing the full side of either story.

Cassette isn’t just a name for the type of tape. It means plastic enclosure. The plastic above the chain on bikes is still called a cassette to this day.

Cassette tapes are called that because cassette is a descriptor. Technically, VHS tapes were cassette tapes, too (Video Cassette Recorder, anyone?). ...and

Shouldn’t the headline and byline be reversed? Nintendo is actively pushing for more diversity, which is positive news. If someone reads only the headline, (as many people do these days) they would think that it is negative news about a mega-corp that won’t change its sexist ways.

No, only use fewer if its countable. For instance, you would use fewer cars, but less traffic. Percentages are funny because you can count the numbers in the percentage, but percentage is really an abstract representing something countable, like traffic.

Since the coral lives at 3000 feet, how can it be susceptible to climate change? At 3000 feet, the ocean temperature anywhere isn’t going to be much higher than 0° C. Even 10° C higher won’t have much of an impact that far down (its that cold that far down even in the tropics). Current worst case scenario projections