
But there are actual kids today who are still kids and for them this is great. My two youngest boys have been Ghostbuster obsessed since they were 2 and 3 years old. There was no reboot. No Ghostbuster toys to be found and all they wanted was Ghostbuster everything. Try being the mom to the kids who want toys from the

Obviously Matt knows that. His point is that nothing that happens today can ruin your childhood. Yes, current things can alter the memories you have as a childhood or force you to see them differently, but it’s not like you didn’t still enjoy Ghostbusters. Nothing can take that away. And if seeing a new movie with

She bailed on her family.

I did it!! I watched it without crying

The ant is following HER heart, or whatever applies for hearts in insects.

That ant got totally pitted at the end there. Tasty wave.


I congratulate you on still having all of your limbs.

Yeah, for real, why does Kara think nobody uses Metro? Why the hell would we be expanding it if no one used it?

hey I’m in LA and I use metro pretty regularly.

This is the best reviewed-named-after-its-underlying-Word-document that I have ever read!

Being offered a free Lexus GS F for the weekend felt like being offered custody of the child of a distant relative


All responsible gun owners are responsible gun owners right up until they aren't. Weird how that works.

I would say LOTS of interesting cars have uninteresting owners. I'm not a big fan of people who buy cars to project an image.

Do not judge a person based on their car. Judge a person based on what they think about their car.

Ellen says it’s okay.

Only date the Michelins, baby.

Not sure why the slotted straight-shifter needs to return to center. Seems like a cute factor thing over any real need for function. Problem is you cannot physically tell by its position what you have selected. A column shift lever or a typical straight slide shift lever has a positive location that you move it to and

If an engineer from the future, who pioneered site-to-site transport onto a starship travelling at warp, can’t figure out how to use the FCA gear shift, what hope is there for the rest of us?