
I would be willing to bet it’s around there, as the players come from all socioeconomic/cultural backgrounds, and the latest Gallup self reporting poll of percentage in the general populace is ~4%ish.

“Cultural fit” is the lamest euphemism for “excluding anyone who isn’t a straight male” possible.

NFL isn’t asking that players not be gay, they are just asking that the gay players remain in the closet, deny everything about themselves, and remain silent on anything that may affect their community as to not offend lowest common denominator of the NFL’s mouth breathing meatheaded fan base. In fairness the psychic

Weird how these all sound exactly the same as why NFL teams don’t want a gay player on their team, right down to the “we think <person> is talented but just not a fit for us.”


Their reasons make even less sense when you consider that the teams have more than six players. In the pre-season they were making substitutions left and right. If you want a fully functioning 6-person team right out of the gate, I understand that, but you have several other players waiting in the wings already to

This is so stupid. Excuses excuses excuses.

where can i buy your album, cat stevens?

Damn dude. Your wife must be a real special lady to put up with... all of that.


Imagine that you meet a very old man who you eventually realize knows literally everything.

God’s Debris is the first non-Dilbert, non-humor book by best-selling author Scott Adams

The ‘most drone bombings ever’ President of Peace

No, he didn’t. He reiterated what has been an international standard since at least the Geneva Protocol in 1928. Then he made the WISE move not to get into a clusterfuck of a full scale war in Syria. This crisis happened because of the foolish destabilizing war in Iraq. Make no fuckin’ mistake about it.

A friend of mine posted this sign from last weekend’s rally in Boston and I LOVE IT.

How I feel most every morning now:

+1 Ned Ryerson.

“Opening a second front in Asia is a fantastic idea.”

Just today that groundhog predicted six more weeks of nuclear winter.