
It’s an Adam Sandler film. She’s probably in the script as a Derpa scientits.

No, but it’s a fun way to spend 2 hours. Michael Pena is especially silly as a fast-talking heist marker.

We don’t swim in your grave, please don’t die in our pool? (And sorry. I’m done with the dark humor.)

I found out long ago that you can write highly technical pieces while still allowing someone new to the subject matter to feel like:

I have to write for a wide audience, a descriptive and TOW with link embedded works well for people who aren’t all up on anti-armor weaponry.

There is a school of thought that says at the deepest darkest part of their ideology they want the US and the west to intervene in a long ugly battle on the ground, that all this is a form of baiting strategy. In reality I think you see them throwing everything they can at anyone who thinks differently. Targets of

Why do you care more about upsetting these people than discrimination?? If these people don't want to serve everyone, they are free to go into a different line of work. It's pretty simple.

Perhaps dogfighting is a relic of the past, but they thought the same thing when the made the F-4 phantom and that ended terribly.

Your lead actors are mostly charismatic humans playing wildly against type and trying to see who sucks the least at it

I’m a white atheist, but I was sobbing by the end of that, hoping against hope that Rev. Pinckney and his flock found their heavenly reward.

And the best part is, you can be done by lunchtime!

Once in high school we were eating dinner and I got up to get seconds. My grandma said “I hope your boyfriend like chubbies.”

“No, I carved them out of a dead hobo’s skull.”

Every now and then guys will ask me if these are my “real eyes.” I’m pretty sure they’re asking if they’re colored contacts, like you said, but I’ve gotten to the point where I always reply, “No, I carved them out of a dead hobo’s skull.” It’s just confusing and off-putting enough to make them leave me alone.

Moms are neg ninjas.

“Hmm. That’s not a terrible idea.” I actually got this response frequently from my own husband (THE CALL IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE!) until I finally pointed out how insulting it was. (This is obviously nothing compared to some of the horror I’ve seen in the comments.)

The moment I meet my very short, balding blind date, he skips the introductions to say this:


for some reason, it reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Apu is a Civil War recreationist. “The South shall come again!”