wait ‘til you get to California. just about everything is labeled as being in violation of prop65.
wait ‘til you get to California. just about everything is labeled as being in violation of prop65.
US allow some things (that should be banned) because of lobby;
HELLO, if he’s a Nice Guy he won’t do it. Duh. That’s why you should appreciate a Nice Guy, you superficial slut. They can use their fedoras as chinese stars if anyone threatens your safety.
I hope that wasn’t a typo, because it made your whole statement even funnier.
It took a pretty embarrasing amount of time for me to realize that. Now, whenever I hear that -
Yeah, too many people think “don’t stop” means “faster!”
At last, video evidence that 2:24 is faster than 2:26.
Even if you are paying attention, there’s always a chance for disaster. The Pirates had a coach, Don Long, who was seriously injured from a broken bat, and he was also watching the batter swing. Stuff happens sometimes
Pierce Brosnan also married a hot young thing and then (gasp) she gained a bunch of weight and (double gasp) they’re still married. It sucks that his is such a rarity.
I’m guessing because Hanks does not have movie star looks like Clooney and Cruise and usually plays the everyman type. They everyman does not marry 22-year-old supermodels.
also this for some depressing real life graph-age (based on okcupid data so ymmv)
If I understand the reviews correctly: Clooney’s love interest in Tomorrowland is literally a little girl.
This ridiculous comparison keeps being brought out for no good reason whenever this subject comes up. Sally Field played Tom Hanks’ mother because in most of her scenes she needed to be young enough to play 8 year old Forrest’s mother. In the few scenes she has with adult Forrest, she has a ton of make up to make her…
Oh pfffft. I’m 64, and this is the best time of my life. I am free of so much shit that wasn’t worth angsting over in the first place. The greatest thing about being 64? I am fearless.
Hntrss13 & eugene levy’s eyebrows: I wanted to share an alternative possibility. You may just be aging out of the segment of youth where men feel it’s OK to look and comment about you in an obvious way. I say this because I have always been plus sized (though I guess hot depending on who you ask) and when I was…
It’s likely because although Tom Hanks is as big a star as the others, he’s a different type. His thing has never been “sexy;” he doesn’t really do love scenes. He’s Dad, so everybody’s OK seeing him married to Mom.
I’m 48, look probably 5-10 years younger (thanks for the great genes, mom and dad!) and completely invisible. It’s a relief, honestly. I went to law school at 37, as a second career. Talk about fading into the wallpaper! But it helped me learn a lot of valuable things about my classmates, like who was cheating on…
On the other hand, you get free ice cream?
Haha, that’s a great ad— the story of every woman over 19. xD
That is an excellent point! Invisibility is awesome for shenanigans.