Actually, I remember some informal test by some watch nerds of a Timex vs. a really good mechanical watch. The Timex easily won for accuracy. Hah.
Actually, I remember some informal test by some watch nerds of a Timex vs. a really good mechanical watch. The Timex easily won for accuracy. Hah.
HAHAHAH! OMG you have to post that on this snapchat! A Rolex for each Kitty!
Squeeeee away :P
Just how bizarre is General Motors' much-maligned "culture"? Ask an engineer who worked there for nearly a year…
totally agree actually, he just came off like a normal dude enjoying a nice time for the city
He completely bolstered his wonky image and seemed like much less of a robo pol. I don't think it's gonna hurt him at all.
> That's only people who don't know how big, how inclusive or how geographically diverse California really is.
That's only people who don't know how big, how inclusive or how geographically diverse California really is. They see San Francisco and West Hollywood and call that our state, which is hilarious given our little mountain towns, farming communities and coastal villages...
You have no idea how many younger guys are into older women.
Actually, that's exactly it. Any woman who's not a perfect 10 is so useless they literally just forget their existence. They're completely invisible.
I'll bet that there are more guys that are attracted to you than you give credit for. Even when I was dating I'd see 100 girls a week I was attracted to but had no reason to talk to them and never approached for fear of looking like some creeper.
"Is it because the "dime pieces" are literally the only ones on your radars?"
THIS is the point I keep making - where is the female corollary for this kind of rage? There are PLENTY of women who feel hurt, alone and rejected, and yet I cannot think of a single instance where the response is "righteous indignation," but internalized shame - "I'm unlovable because I'm fat/too thin/ugly/gross/too…
"Whyyyy do men think women are never lonely, rejected, ignored?! Is it because the "dime pieces" are literally the only ones on your radars?"
I'm a straight woman who feels like no one's attracted to me. I "peaked" over ten years ago according to men. At least men don't depreciate like fucking cars. Whyyyy do men think women are never lonely, rejected, ignored?! Is it because the "dime pieces" are literally the only ones on your radars?
"If I'm one of the cops with my back turned and I know a person like that has me covered? I'd consider that a job well-done."
It's a sidewalk, and she probably didn't realize she was in a war zone. That guy just saved his buddies from a sorority girl getting within 5 feet of them. What a hero.
Yeah, I'm sure they're real grateful when some overly aggressive asshole incites all the students behind them that they're trying to calm down.
Are you serious? Jesus Christ. You're actually finding ways to defend this? There's always gotta be one, doesn't there? Move to Saudi Arabia, dork.
...the girl was then called for an offensive foul.