The Great & Powerful Turtle


That video cracks me up every. single. time.

Jek Tono Porkins. A Rebel pilot so good he didn’t need to pass ANY stupid physicalsareyougoingtoeatthatthanks.

Sounds like a very healthy start to a damned funny troupe.

“So same time next week then?”

Special effects, for starters. :\ Game of Thrones thereafter.

As much as I loathed the movie version, I’ve always loved this concept statue, with the turret ball helmet and gorget.


Just go full Dino Riders fer fuck’s sake. Stop playing games.

Always loved that issue, Evan, to the point where it kind of informed my reading of The Watchmen. Thanks for dusting the cobwebs off of it. And the absolute best luck to you tackling the Black Panther. You’re going to do fantastic.

I’ll take that show, please and thank you.

“So come, my friends, be not afraid. We are so lightly here. It is in love that we are made; In love we disappear.”

Anodyne versions of these things are all I’ve come to expect from them.

Experiment? The animated franchise has spent the past 15 years playing comics-karaoke (and butchering the emotional heft and art of the originals) without any imagination or invention. ESPECIALLY the Batman animated movies.

It’s been the Time Magazine’s Greatest Hits Collection of DC Comics. There’s no experimentation

It wasn’t as good as the original. Rather forgettable in that respect.

Besides the fact it’s a horrendous battery drain?