The Great & Powerful Turtle

Fuck ‘im.

You really think people have actually read all that stuff? Wild Cards? For fuck’s sake. Like three people (figuratively) have ever actually read Wild Cards. I’m a GRRM fan and I’ve never read Wild Cards”

Cute anecdote. I’ve read them, as have many people here. Your ignorance of them isn’t proof of really anything.

On the contrary, I absolutely do. And I get to add mine to the soup.

It’s nostalgic pablum. The teen plots are narrative dead weight — something right out of Saved By the Bell’s dumpster file. And as someone who devoured every single one of the films, I find it pitiful that the writers felt the need to trap the Johnny

C’mon now. It’s not awful but it’s certainly not ‘fantastic’.

By the way, Jeri Ryan is a major reason (accidentally) why Obama’s political career took off. Go Seven of Nine!

or Wonder Woman’s Doctor Psycho.

And then there’s the argument made from the Family Research Council.

Seriously Stephen King? It was a joke, not a template for ideas.

*cue Sony exec doing a new line of coke and giddily writing that down, mutteringI’m a goddamn genius”*

41 years late.

Now playing

I’m just going to leave the start to this glorious series here.

Kinberg is the poster child for would have, could have, should have.

I thought the movie’s revamp was the best treatment. Basically a heroic act in the vein of Bruce Banner saving Rick Jones. I just wanted to see more of Mar-Vell/Wendy Lawson and why she was so esteemed by Carol.

I’m hoping they’ll delve into those interactions and more of Carol’s memories (especially triumphing over

*polite hand raise* I’d be good with an actual Rocketeer reboot as well.

So fellow Wild Cardies... of the 28 currently out (Knaves over Queens came out in August), which one is your favorite?

Looks fun. :)

People sadly still want the Egyptian/reincarnation thing in there somewhere. *rubs temples*

#7 on the list.

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Hawkman is probably one of the most continuity-entangled heroes of the DC Universe. Even been called radioactive by DC higher ups (When they won’t even let Grand Morrison tackle him, you know the character is a rat’s nest of storylines).

I’m a big Hawkman fan but hate the mess DC has put him in. Too many revamps/