I miss our mascot.
I miss our mascot.
None of which authorizes you to speak on behalf of other Buddhists or of Buddhism in general. But regardless, maybe you'll indulge me... what do the teachings of Buddhism have to do with intelligent design? What did the Buddha say about the eternality of the world? Or its finitude?
I'll bite. In what capacity do the teachings of the Buddha advocate in favor of intelligent design?
I am absolutely convinced you know even less about Buddhism than you do about scientific methodology.
Oh good.. you've seen it. What'd you think?
Too true. Too true.
Plight. The word you wanted was 'plight'.
Well stated.
Much appreciated.
Not at all indicative of the regulars at io9.
It's a cesspool alright.
Jesus, that got dark.
A cautionary tale.
ALL of the characters in the comic, Rick included, are one-note characters. Michonne is one of the worst.
"going rafting in the Nacho Kingdom" had me laughing out loud. It's no "Hero's-Journey bukkake"... but it'll do for this year. Nicely done, CJ.
Depends. Would said cookie come loaded with chocolate chips? Or more condescension and loud soapboxing on my behalf?
I've been a fan of WW since the Perez days. I don't mind this incarnation one jot. As a matter of fact, I think it's great.