Well stated.
Well stated.
Much appreciated.
Not at all indicative of the regulars at io9.
It's a cesspool alright.
Destruction of the Brief Lives arc?
Jesus, that got dark.
A cautionary tale.
ALL of the characters in the comic, Rick included, are one-note characters. Michonne is one of the worst.
"going rafting in the Nacho Kingdom" had me laughing out loud. It's no "Hero's-Journey bukkake"... but it'll do for this year. Nicely done, CJ.
Depends. Would said cookie come loaded with chocolate chips? Or more condescension and loud soapboxing on my behalf?
I've been a fan of WW since the Perez days. I don't mind this incarnation one jot. As a matter of fact, I think it's great.
It was a shame to see you leave TR but damn if I'm not giddy as a schoolgirl that you're here. Your geek credentials (and crackshot snark) need no introduction. Welcome! Welcome!
Jesus, it's like watching someone mow down an army of strawmen with his car.
Exclusion to the detriment of the health of that group is a short path to stagnancy and incest. :-\
But you're missing my point. If geekdom, tribalistic or inclusive, is up for grabs... why the hell would we want exclusion to dominate the culture? The worse traits of it can be changed with discussions like these.
You'll have to ask Hizzoner Mortimer J. Fluffybritches. He may be able to track one down for you, chained to a heap of scorn.
Sorry. I call complete and total horseshit on this one. The umbrella of geekdom is simply too huge, too varied and too inviting for anyone—-and I do mean anyone—- to ostracize someone based on arbitrary and insecure criteria. Geek culture, prefix and all, is massive and is, unfortunately for the kingmakers, ruled over…
"Makes my dookie twinkle, man."
To all-self appointed arbiters of who qualifies as a "real" geek and who doesn't... kindly do us all a favor and piss off. Your Sailor Moon wand/collector's edition lightsaber doesn't grant you any authority to speak for the geek community. And you're ruining the fun for the rest of us.