The Great & Powerful Turtle

Well said.

This. Goddamit so much, this. I want to know who comprises this secret Star Chamber of Geek Qualification so I can beat them to death with a Nerf bat.

But I honestly do not understand this kind of insecurity when it comes to what we love. It's not under threat. AT ALL. As a matter of fact, there's far safer ground now, culturally and societally, then ever before for geeks. And people who may be pretty or famous who are drawn to geek culture.... so bloody what? How

I disagree with the absolutism in this. Geek culture is propelled by interest. Period. Full stop. Anyone who says there are credentials or hoops to be jumped through are attempting to lord something over you with no authority to do so.

I used to believe that, having grown up in a time when "geek" and "nerd" weren't distinguishable and were equally capable slurs that came with a black eye or a broken nose after school.

I'm sad just at the mention of The Fades's wasted chance. Such a great and all too brief series.

Too soon! Too soon!

This already sounds much more solid than the filmed version.

Methinks thou doest protest too much, Officer Doucherocket.

Yoink!! That little gem is meant to be used. :)

Ghost Protocol was solid because of Brad Bird's directing. All the previous MI movies should've been retitled The Egomaniacal Adventures of Ethan Hunt.


But didn't 50 Shades of Grey literally begin as just Twilight fanfic with names later changed? So it doesn't even germinate from its own seed.

Can someone explain to me the impetus behind this much fan obsession? So much mania that it results in crusading ship wars and insanely ridiculous slash fiction (Topless Robot has a weekly takedown of this stuff and it is a laugh riot every time)?

It's good to know that Italian courts have been predictably stupid since the late 60s.

Someone doesn't know their way around the bedroom OR the kitchen.

It's a crime io9 doesn't have a Comment of the Day award. This would absolutely win it.