NP. Especially if that license plate is included.
NP. Especially if that license plate is included.
The biggest problem with solar panels is how inefficient they are. Something on the order of 17-18% for the common panels, and up to 50% for more advanced panels. The Prius and maybe one or two others have small panels incorporated into the car, but that's for purposes of ventilation on hot days and such.
"Garnett. Pierce."
This was a damn good read. Well done.
The innocent face of pure happiness.
That was my first Hot Wheels which sits on the desk in my office to this day. Absolutely love it.
Definitely thought this was a "before/after" slider for the image...sat here clicking like a moron for a bit.
Your writing must be improving, Drew. It only took 5 emails to be compared to Hitler(??).
I live in Alexandria, VA and will be absurdly inconvenienced if this happens...and yet, I'm so excited to see this!
One of my good friends in high school had a turbo T-bird almost identical to this and before he got his new car, swapped the turbo and its plumbing in the T-bird and boosted it (for a few days only) right near 25 psi. The damn thing would do rolling burnouts in 3rd gear and the engine took it like a two-cent whore. It…
You know, like, respect.
The Smoking Tire and the Drive channel do a pretty good job in my opinion. Farah is not afraid to be honest.
For me, the problem with the Aztek was never the looks; I actually love(d) the absurdity of it all (especially in that baby-shit orange). The problem with the Aztek is that it was a GM shitbox. If that were produced to the GM quality of today, I think that would sell pretty damn well; If the Juke can do it, the Aztek…
I completely agree...that looks like it would be a crazy fun alternate to a Mini.
No disguise in the world will do for him what keeping his mouth shut could.
And just think, if his name were Marino Riviera, he'd be a star in a completely different realm of sticks and balls.
Per Rick Reilly: Indi*n
It could have been a much more sober world too, but .341 girl has stepped in for Gronk.
If it had been based on a Hyundai, at least it would have been a half-decent car. Not like a Tiburon.
Every highway in Indiana, specifically 65 and 70 right around Indy. Holy titty sprinkles Batman, the potholes on that road are just incredible. In an hour stretch, I personally witnessed 3 semis blowout tires, and saw countless others with flats. The speed limit is 70 but traffic sits at 80+ so dodging the treads from…