rUDy Flyer 41

I remember reading someone compare Michael Bay as a director in film to the painted art world, where artists like Picasso or Dali (it’s been years since I saw the comparison so forgive me if someone finds it and I’m way off) were over the top/eccentric/etc. and not necessarily a favorite when compared to the more “trad

It’s clear the author’s opinion was formed before the event started. Yes he watched it... to gather his list of negativity.

I disagree.

I really enjoyed the Clash. Qualifying saturday night was really interesting seeing how each of the drivers handled cold tires and a cold track. The Heat races were a blast. They was a lot of fights for positions, cars setup for long runs and short runs, and it was some great short track racing. The 2nd LCQ

If we homed the homeless we wouldn’t have all these problems.  But you know, we can’t actually help our nations citizens. That would be socialism. 

“It is not a truck that anyone really asked for, given that this is the kind of truck more expected of Ford or GMC, but it’s here anyway, doing its best. Capstone? Capstone.”

Nobody asked for the Capstone? WTF are you even doing, writing about automobiles? Luxury trucks are a booming segment, and the big three can’t satisfy demand. People have also been asking for an updated Tundra for over half a decade, and the previous top of the line 1794 Edition sold well in the context of the Tundra.

I’ve read some garbage here, but this is about the garbagiest garbage ever.

But after you buy all of David Tracy’s cars, what would you spend the other $52,000 on?

I got all mad at first as I was reading the article, but then I realized that’s just what the authors want. It gets people yelling at each other in the comments, and that keeps them coming back, earning those sweet sweet clicks. Nobody actually believes this drivel. (And yet, here I am still falling into the trap)

I should’ve stopped reading the first time Erin offered excuses for criminal behavior. But I kept reading and found more of it.

This weird apologist take is just bad. These people are thieves, stealing things from OTHER people who legitimately bought something despite the poor economy. This isn’t a stick-it-to-bezos thing. This is impacting folks like you and me who work to pay their bills, then get their hard-earned shit stolen by someone who

As the resident ( I think only) actual honest-to-goodness Train Conductor on the Jalop message board, I’ll comment on a few things here:

You missed the “armed car-jacking” part, but that’s ok, just try to tweak the narrative for us. And “child”, my ass. This was not a “punishment”, this was an outcome, pure and simple, of the criminals’ direct action.  Luckily, innocent people did not die or get injured.

But Bradley and Erik were stupid long before then.

I assume the German Car Parking Mode comes standard?

I must be missing something. What exactly is different about this than a window switch without an auto down/auto up feature? My Hyundai Elantra doesn’t have automatic windows, so I just push “down” and then let go when the window is where I want it, and it stops moving. Is that... all this is...?

It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see where things go from here — just a passing look at what happened a decade ago.

I realize this site has an agenda to uphold, but does every single headline and post need to be so misleading?

People having fun with cars in a way that isn’t unsafe is good actually.