
This is bad Kinja.

You spelled fuck wrong.

God I’m glad Feminist Frequency is a thing

I’m a Pats fan, and I look forward to this article every year. It’s hilarious, shows more of Drew than he realizes, and is pretty accurate in some regards.

Barstool is that way. ——->

Counterpoint: Why Your Team’s Great: Bob Kraft formed Run CTE.

I never cared if he disagreed with the officials. I just don’t think it’s right that he disrespected the flag and those who died to protect his freedom.

Were those scans and exams performed with identical properly calibrated instruments under consistent conditions? I fear Mortensen may be jumping to an unwarranted conclusion that will come back to bite him in the ass.

How sweet, HamNo brought his grandmother over from Gawker too!

In what way are money managers and stock pickers not a bunch of motherfuckers?

Found the never-nude.

Better awkward than an asshat like Chris Brown.

El Paso school takes an El Paso

Well, if you want to be pedantic, which it seems you do, the OP never said she swaps out foods so I don’t know why you keep harping on that.

Are you suggesting she force it in his mouth? Of course there are foods a child won’t eat — I would wager every person on earth has some food they won’t eat, and all children famously object to some foods as they learn to develop a palate. It’s a totally normal developmental process.

If you are more upset at Kaepernick protesting police brutality than you were at the police committing it, yeah, you're part of the problem.

It’s the security post style hide n seek.

Probably better than the shit you’ve evidently been eating for years.

He’s Hanjo.

May sound snob to you but I decided to live in a nice suburb and I pay enough tax that