
Whether it truly was easy for you or not doesn’t factor into what’s sportsman-like and what isn’t. Telling someone they need to try harder at the end of a game isn’t sporting. Neither is telling them they were an easy opponent for you. They’ll know by the score. Say something encouraging and friendly or just don’t say

Haha, but really, re-read what you said. It’s so Trump. It’s four sentences of nothing. “I say it’s easy because it’s easy and you should not make it so easy” and by typing it out, you have somehow enriched their lives and made everything crystal clear. We know why people say it, it doesn’t make it any better.

You know, outside of the internet world, I am a pretty outspoken person, I say whats on my mind and have no regrets about it.

Yup, I can really tell how you’re such a respectful person from how you’re defending people shittalking total strangers. That’s a very believable claim.

That behavior seems acceptable to you, but other people think it’s kind of obnoxious. So that’s why it’s terrific.

Oh no, I think we all got your point. Everyone understands you are the problem.

“If it was easy, it was easy. I’ve won games against opponents that couldn’t make it past their base. That’s easy. Saying it’s easy is like saying “try harder” cause that was easy...”

the pro-“free speech”/anti-any-sort-of-consequence-for-being-a-noxious-dick crowd is throwing a fit over this

This is terrific.

Part of the appeal for some children could be that Ash isn’t the best, and the show is probably trying to teach lessons about being a sore loser. Okay, fine. Part of the point of having Ash constantly lose is that it’s easy for kids to plug into the show whenever. This is Ash, a good kid, and he always loses.

And how has that fuckstain gotten out of the greys?!?

where is u/cuenta-quemador to explain to everyone how this makes Brazil look fuckin AMAZING?

So basically it’s not right. Shut the fuck up.

Germans have a weird affinity for red and black color schemes.

That’s what HOAs are for. If you can’t stand the sight of a well-kept, expensive trailer in someone’s driveway, you should make your largest investment in a neighborhood where the HOAs motto is: “Absolutely no fun allowed, whatsoever!”

We get it already you’re a douchebag life is hard.

Now playing

XBLA Goldeneye already got released. it’s called Perfect Dark.

You poor thing, you didn’t really read my entire comments and links, right?