Sure, Sully. Tawmee is just like you fans.
Sure, Sully. Tawmee is just like you fans.
This is why whenever I need to get some food, I just go to the supermarket and hang out by the checkout. I get to be in close proximity to people who have food, which is the same as having it, yourself.
I was with you until you said Chris Kluwe.
Nah, man.
Jalopnik truthers are the fucking worst.
He seems to have fueled one at least.
Oh you know they McWon’t they are still cheap as McHell
I’m a dinosaur truther. The truth is that dinosaurs are fucking awesome.
Certainly Mrs. Manning would have been able to afford to have it prescribed and administered to her by her physicians rather than buy it black market and self-administer.
as a woman, I now have to admit that I am truly scared of their bullpen. #AroldisChapman
Blaming the person reporting on the bad behavior for the negative reaction to the bad behavior?
You are a fucking idiot.
I 100 percent believe this.
My God...this Kinja.....
I have always heard the “same distillery” version (and of course, all barley), and I’ve been a whiskey fan for about 15 years. Even Michael Jackson, noted whisky expert defines it this way.
It’s just choir dude. Let’s let this one slide.
Sorry you can’t handle my flawless techniques
We’ve all seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens now, right? I mean, aside from our dipshitty friends who like to remind…
I do spend time with my family. I happen to like playing games too.. tired of seeing this excuse all the time.. its not like I wanna talk with them all the time . maybe I got a new game I wanna try out too
Everyone here is missing the point; the idea is NOT to create a new system ala PS4 or X1 -the point IS to create an official platform and storefront to replay some of the greatest games ever on an official platform that supports todays TV sets.
No one is talking about a new Streets of Rage, or a new Sonic or a new…