Norman, fresh off the win that moved Carolina to 14-0
Um, won’t the answer to this question be a spoiler in itself?
How about those best fans in baseball* with their awesome takes on Jason Heyward’s sexuality?
I’m just kidding. I...I don’t have a job.
needlessly-byzantine rulebook
Someone is very good at reading articles.
agreed 100% - but do me a favor and read the original comment again
I got the joke, honey. I’m sorry no one else did :-(
The security people have to make the call on the spot, so it’s easy to criticize them after the fact since hindusight is 20/20.
So the UFC’s future WAS a sweaty penis!
I am so confused by why this is confusing. In the hypothetical situation, plain and simple, the plane is late to take you to your meeting, making you miss it. “You’re not going to make the meeting, and your entire trip was in vain.” Even if, for some reason, that’s confusing, the topic of the post should clear it up.
Sherry is a bitch tho.
They will sail into the West, they’re saga in this Age of the Earth having been fulfilled.
Because they don’t serve Old Crow at Dairy Queen, they keep telling you.
He deleted the original tweet, so it’s a screengrab. Take a break, Jeff. Everything’s okay.
Give my team four Super Bowls and you can let the ref run them over with a fucking road grader for all I care.