
A lot of the people who replied to you mentioned that the police are under-trained, or overtrained ex-military, but I have another angle... It’s more likely they go on the offensive so fast is because they don’t know if the person they are approaching has a firearm, and the chances are high that the person does, since

Nothing, but nothing, sticks to these guys

I’ve been a fan of Fallout for decades, and splurged on the Fallout 4 with Pip-boy edition... It was my first time even being bothered with a pre-order too, as I usually just wait until the hype dies down to get a game.

I’ve been a fan of Fallout for decades, and splurged on the Fallout 4 with Pip-boy edition... It was my first time

First step after washing down should be everyone gets a buzz-cut and a shave. Everyone. The cut hair goes in the same bag as the exposed clothing.

I see what you did there... “booming cities”...ha!

Or get one that has a decent IPXX rating so water, dust, and dirt aren’t a problem...

Or get one that has a decent IPXX rating so water, dust, and dirt aren’t a problem...

Read the headline in my RSS feed....I was expecting some help on Halloween masks....

If you have a compost bin, then there is zero waste when it comes to the inedible parts of fruit and vegetables.

People should check with their local laws on this - many municipalities have rules on the maximum leash length, and most are pegged at 6 feet. That’s the law where I live.... 6 foot maximum length, otherwise they are considered to be running at large. Unfortunately they rarely enforce these bylaws, and the retractable

One of them did, my most recent one had a normal USB-A, but neither required me to use those ports. The on-device screens, while small and sometimes unintuitive, were enough to get it working on my home network.

meh, the best thing we did was look up everything we could ourselves and go into the dealership telling them everything we wanted - so the salesperson literally had to just fill out the paperwork. We knew the options and everything we wanted, and circled them and said we didn’t want anything else.

Seems to be shaping up for a good year for the Darwin Awards... Take a look at this from a few days ago....

I’m more interested in how the plane took off from above her...

The last thing I saw USB-B on was a printer over ten years ago. Every printer I’ve bought since has been wifi-capable.

“A recent study suggests avoiding gluten is associated with coronary artery disease,” says Crowe, a gastroenterologist and director of the University of California San Diego Celiac Disease Clinic and Centre.”... (a gluten-free diet) may not be as healthy as we think it is.”

Totally agree. My daughters are 9 (twins - gave us a lead in when they asked about how that happens) and we’ve covered quite a bit with them on what is going to happen with their bodies, and they have emergency kits in their backpacks in case they get their first periods, and they know what to do when the time comes.

Not sure, but I’m interested to know the answer to this also.

Hence the “Canadian” part - we use them for almost everything, mostly because they are superior in a lot of ways. Whoever the genius was who though slotted drivers were the best for electrical, probably didn’t notice how well they fit into a plug... or maybe they did and it was to weed out the idiots.

I moved into my house just over 13 years ago - the next door neighbour’s son was a body shop apprentice. He stripped a ‘34 Ford pickup down to the frame rails in the driveway during the first summer and made a point of being done and cleaned up by 8pm every night.

Our’s weren’t too bad, but no one even mentions that the terrible two’s can last until they’re 4-5... lol.