Rhyme for encounters with bears: if it’s brown, lay down; if it’s black, fight back; if it’s white, goodnight (as in you’re the dead).
Rhyme for encounters with bears: if it’s brown, lay down; if it’s black, fight back; if it’s white, goodnight (as in you’re the dead).
they do this because of ads. It looks better to have a page open/ad views for 45+ seconds than just 20 for the advertiser, even if all you’re doing is scrolling.
It’s like moose - the plural is moose. no “s” added to the end.
Maybe post one of these to your article...:
if it’s bigger than your thumb and you’re an adult, then you can say you’ve seen one. otherwise its a normal wasp. these things are huge
Wait, so is it 8TB or 8000 Terebytes ? I’m in for 8 Petabytes for $130.
Wait, so is it 8TB or 8000 Terebytes ? I’m in for 8 Petabytes for $130.
My wife averages over 120,000 steps per week sitting and crocheting...
There’s also a Universal Edibility Test, which takes a few days (since you have to test each part of a plant separately) to figure out if something is edible or not, but again, most people are found within 24-48 hours of getting lost.
try it with some horseradish.
my dad’s in his 60's.. he’s never referred to it as bloody.
I have a neighbour who resells antiques... Goes into estate auctions or sales and loves when he finds these chairs, because there are people who will pay top dollar for them. Especially when he can prove the date on them. He averages 200-300% return on a lot of his “finds”.... He doesn’t even need to clean them up -…
I have one dog that will give out kisses to anyone (he’s still a puppy and loves almost everyone), and another who has doled out maybe 10 kisses in his 7 years of being alive... He’s very selective, but he definitely includes me as part of the pack - I’m the only one that he will drop treats for to get pets.
Does the trunk at least auto-open if you stand there (with your hands full of groceries or whatever) with the key fob in your pocket?
Fun Fact, the Apollo flight computers were metric for all calculations and converted to imperial so the American pilots could understand it... So it was Metric that landed on the Moon.
“... looks like water using lapis lazuli ...”
It works in the way it will give you your latitude, longitude and altitude. Little more than a dot on a blank screen. You’ll need data or wifi if you want a map. Standalone GPS device comes with a map already. If you don’t think ahead to download a map for offline use, you’re not going to be very happy.
If you are using a cell phone , yes GPS isn’t as good without cell service or WiFi....but if you’re using a standalone GPS device (tomtom, magellan, garmin,...) device it doesn’t need any network connection at all, just the satellites.
Sorry - comment meant for miniditka
so you paid for it twice? When I bought Minecraft for my kids they wanted bedrock, but java version was included as a separate download....