Wait, so is it 8TB or 8000 Terebytes ? I’m in for 8 Petabytes for $130.
Wait, so is it 8TB or 8000 Terebytes ? I’m in for 8 Petabytes for $130.
Wait, so is it 8TB or 8000 Terebytes ? I’m in for 8 Petabytes for $130.
Wait, so is it 8TB or 8000 Terebytes ? I’m in for 8 Petabytes for $130.
If you have an overload of data and files, it might be time to invest in an external hard drive. The WD external hard drive has a whole 8,000 terabytes of memory to hold all your videos, photos, and whatever else needs saving so your laptop or traditional desktop can run at tippy top speed again.
If you have an overload of data and files, it might be time to invest in an external hard drive. The WD external…
Yeah... that Ext HDD is not 8,000 Tb... you meant Gb.....
Yeah... that Ext HDD is not 8,000 Tb... you meant Gb.....
“The WD external hard drive has a whole 8,000 terabytes of memory to hold all your videos, photos, and whatever else needs saving so your laptop or traditional desktop can run at tippy top speed again.”
“The WD external hard drive has a whole 8,000 terabytes of memory to hold all your videos, photos, and whatever else…
has a whole 8,000 terabytes of memory
has a whole 8,000 terabytes of memory
I think the hard drive doesn’t hold 8,000 terabytes of data. If it does, I’ll buy all of them.
I think the hard drive doesn’t hold 8,000 terabytes of data. If it does, I’ll buy all of them.
Witness testimony is usually the weakest, most error prone evidence.
Funny, I have a fairly hard rule in life, “never trust anyone who doesn’t love dogs.”
“... looks like water using lapis lazuli ...”
People wash their chicken??
It seems you need an anatomy lesson. Labia are not the entirety of the groin. Whereas I can see where you are trying to compensate for the idea that the vagina is the totality of female genital, this is a little beyond what is necessary. Some women have large labia minora, which might not fit in this, but not…
This is why you should always pack a military-surplus folding shovel. Remove 2 scoop of snow and it’d be free already.
Or you could live in Canada where I don’t know when the last time they didn’t have a mobile pay machine with the chip technology and you fill out the tip on the machine.
“This elected politician, advocating for policies that poll extremely well, is unelectable.” Sure, makes sense.
Hmm. Hadn’t thought about the back dating possibility. But it would be sort of odd to ask somebody to sign a document if it already has a forged version of their signature.
You could basically heat anything up with garlic, butter, and honey it would be amazing.
It's just called a Caesar, hoser.