
just because people have been doing it forever doesn’t mean it’s correct. See also: Ground or powdered animal parts, religion, acupuncture, and any other traditional/alternative medicine.

Third Option - Glass bottles. Case of beer comes in glass. The Beer Store here in Ontario Canada has a 96% recycle rate for their glass bottles and only drops to 87% when you take into account other alcohol containers (aluminum, non-standard glass shapes, plastic, bladders from boxed wine). And since you’re already

the only correct size of Reese’s peanut butter cups is the 1/2 lb size. Only only exception is if they bring back the special edition 1 lb cup.

I’ve been using a wooden scraper for about 2 years now, and not only does it do an amazing job, it smells awesome. Mine’s hickory. Once they’re formed to your grill, the wear is very slow, and did I mention it smells awesome. Grabbed two at $20 each at Costco (Canada) and I don’t think I’ll ever wear through both of

I’ve been using a wooden scraper for about 2 years now, and not only does it do an amazing job, it smells awesome.

MalwareBytes was tested - if you click through to the actual report it’s on there. It’s on the list of 80 that detected at least 30% of malicious apps and had zero false alarms. Malwarebytes scored 99.4% (34th out of those 80) on catching bad apps and APK’s.

Same here, but we cremated our dog first. He was big (Great Dane/German Sheppard cross), and the hole would have also had to be huge. So we sprinkled his ashes and put a flowering dogwood on them. We picked dogwood, not because of “dog” in it’s name, but because it is one of the few woods that is so dense that it

No, the 13% is our general tax, which provides us with our “free” healthcare, among other social services. The gratuity is to top up the restaurant employees since they’re normally paid below minimum wages

It might work when it can be up to $20 per month depending on usage

except for the power consumption - plasma is up there with CRT

plasma tv’s use as much as CRTs...

The only issue I have with plasma tvs is that they use about the same amount of power as a CRT. switching to LED/LCD/OLED will cut the power use in half in most cases.

To be fair, it was only Patron tequila... We bought a bottle without trying it a few years ago when we were coming home from Mexico... The only good thing I will say is that the packaging and bottle look nice, the tequila itself is not very good. I’ll stick with Don Julio or 1800.

this is what I’ve done when bringing stuff home from or to vacations...

If she doesn’t know much about first aid, the last thing they need is another person hovering around not helping or not knowing what to do. 

For at least two of those - Santa and Easter - they pre-dated the arrival of christians; they just assimilated them along with most of the rest of the holidays (ie jesus’ birth wasn’t even in December, but pagans had yuletide/winter solstice as a holiday already with the trees and decorations, so christians made it

My wife would fight you for saying Die Hard 1 and 2 aren’t holiday movies.

BBBS - about 8 or so years ago, I ended up cutting out my whole family over a bunch of issues (fight between my brother and his pregnant wife vs my wife an I who were trying to help them out (housing, their own fighting due to 3300 km distance between the two). Long story short, everyone took their side and asked us

If a simple google search of “smoke point of butter” gives 350 F, you might want to just stop.

Survivalism rule of 3's - you can survive 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, 3 minutes without air.