We had twins. I was well balanced with one in each hand while my wife got the diaper bag. And anything longer than the 20 or so steps to get from our car to house, the car-seats clip into the same-brand double stroller.
We had twins. I was well balanced with one in each hand while my wife got the diaper bag. And anything longer than the 20 or so steps to get from our car to house, the car-seats clip into the same-brand double stroller.
Thank you!
You’re referencing the previous Canadian record holder Cpl Rob Furlong’s shot (3 shots) from 2002 in Afghanistan. This new record was in Iraq. Details on how many shots haven’t been released.
The record that took 3 shots was Cpl Rob Furlong back in 2002 in Afghanistan. His distance is still 3rd. This recent shot was done in Iraq, apparently at a group of ISIS troops that were amassing for a surprise attack on Iraqi Military, and the kill sent them scattering, and saved the Iraqi guys. The details of…
I’m color blind - the two ends of that scale look the same.... why can’t people choose colour scales better? Muted reds and greens are not the best choice. Hell, an actual grey scale would have been better.
We make the same deal every summer with our kids... $1 per book read. Last year it was $237 for one of them and $173 for the other. Our downfall was letting them get by with those crappy 30-50 page books. This summer, the books have to be “chapter books”.. They’re averaging just under 1 book a day still... and…
yeah, neither of those words sound like they have an “a” in them... foreign is a soft e sound - it’s for-in, not for-an; and Keith is a hard E sound, like in leek. It’s Keith, not Kath. ...Unless you have some odd accent...
So are most movies that are set in the US - Adam Sandler’s Pixels shut down a lot of Toronto for quite a few nights - mostly for the Pacman part. Casa Loma in Toronto has also been featured in many movies. There are thousands of little towns in Canada that retain their mid-century charmed look just so they can attract…
My local best buy wouldn’t let me open and try the MDR 1000x unit before buying. They pointed me to another Sony pair (half the price) and said they were close in sound quality. So I tried the pair they recommended, and still bought the 1000x as I’d mostly made up my mind before walking into the store.... the sound…
My local best buy wouldn’t let me open and try the MDR 1000x unit before buying. They pointed me to another Sony…
I can’t speak to the Bose ones, but I have the Sony MDR 1000x ones - have had them for about 7-8 months and I love them. Right ear-cup has touch gestures (next/last song, volume up/down, and the mentioned above touch-to-listen to the room around you). I’ve also used the “amplify voice” feature - it is active noise…
I can’t speak to the Bose ones, but I have the Sony MDR 1000x ones - have had them for about 7-8 months and I love…
How do you know what she’s wearing under her shirt and pants? I’m gonna assume most adults have underwear under their outer wear....
to me, plumbing is second worst - we had a backup shortly after buying - previous owners flushed tampons. Was $400 just to have the 24 hr plumber come to your door at 3 am..).
That is absolutely true - the wives have nowhere to go, so are stuck. I see it with my in-laws. The were an arranged marriage. His job had him away for months at a time working in the open-ocean shipping industry, and was only home for a month and gone again (all my wife’s siblings birthdays are around the same time…
YES! I think I just found the other person who’s read those. I loved that series and no one I know has ever heard of it.
Yeah, then your guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about (or just wants you to keep buying stuff from him - and then he’s fine - he wants money... the problem is the buyer). If it doesn’t damage the pin, then it can lead to spring fatigue - then you get to worry about a hang-fire - you pulled the trigger, you heard a…
Dry-firing is a sure way to break a firing pin (or bow string for that matter)... any gun owner should be aware of that little tid bit.
They’re still being built, so I’m going to assume yes. And I’ve read two separate articles that say that the model version F and newer has a new “monolithic fuselage” that eliminated all flex points. and they plan on upgrading again with CH-47 Block 2 after 2020, and Block 3 after 2025... they have plans to continue…
That headline image there with them all looking down at either the scale or his package... this is all I see in my head:
Yup, I’d take the Chinook over any other lifting copter any day. Can lift more than its own weight as cargo (dry weight: 11,148 kg (24,578 lb) Max takeoff weight: 22,680 kg (50,000 lb)), has a top speed of 315 km/h (196 mph), is able to refuel in flight, and can float.