You must live in a country that charges its citizens for basic medical care...sad...
You must live in a country that charges its citizens for basic medical care...sad...
all he needs is a good torch from any harware store and he can melt the flakes down in small batches to something more managable to be able to take in to a gold buyer. The melting poiint is only 1064.18 °C/ 1947.52 °F
Are you sure they aren’t just elaborate math clubs that use the addition symbol as thier signs?
Go for it. Idid a few years ago when oral came out and got the same with my twin daughters and I played it with them. And I’m 37. My first Pokemon game was yellow on my game boy pocket (still have them too). and we just grabbed sun and moon and are playing through it now. I suggest the New 3DS, as the regular 3ds…
in Canada... Walmart, Toys’R’Us, Sears...There’s many stores that sell them, just like in the USA. If you go to a store’s website, just change the “.com” to “.ca”
I’ve been strapping two kids into car seats for over 8 years, and never have I ever had their straps as loose as they are when they test in that video with the coat on. If there is any wiggle room, kids will wiggle out....coat or no coat. I’ve seen so many parents either incorrectly strap their kids in, or worse, let…
Aircraft are mostly made of a thin sheet of aluminum with a framework underneath. Aluminum is strong and light, but not very strong. Go look at the current chevy vs ford truck bed commercial where ford made the truck beds out of aluminum if you need an idea of how not very strong aluminum is.
why? It isn’t hot to touch the lip at the top, so you shouldn’t burn yourself, and a quick rinse under the tap will wash away any coffee residue and chill it back down rather quick.
why? It isn’t hot to touch the lip at the top, so you shouldn’t burn yourself, and a quick rinse under the tap will…
I have twin 8 yr old daughters, the love playing Minecraft on our XboxOne. They don’t like naming things so much though, but they love building and taming things. When I play with them they just want help building things and they gather the supplies for me.
And now you know why Tesla will likely bundle the power wall and solar panels with car purchases... 1, with the panels you are off grid or semi off grid.. 2, you have the power wall that can give the car a boost if your grid is out..
just gonna leave these here... neighbours.
really? three years and 4 months after my comment?
The rule is less “three strikes and forget ‘em” and likely more “three strikes and now you know to protect yourself”.
Canadian passport rules state that you aren’t allowed to smile at all. But we can at least wear our glasses.
You might want to have a chat with your phone company then - if this is a thing in the UK, then they should be updating the phone networks.
no, they don’t. If you hang up and wait any amount of time over roughly ten seconds, the telephone company’s machines end the call. No telemarketer can override this.
Nah, they got to learn about the wasps instead.
You should also probably mention to be aware of any bugs that might have moved into the planter/pot. Especially if you live with people that freak out to the smallest and or spider. Many bugs burrow into soil in the fall, and some come back out in the spring in a completely different form.
Get an old door (recycled from someone doing a renovation, or a new one if you can afford it) - solid core is better, but hollow interior doors will work too. no windows, and the least amount of features as possible (ie flat). Then buy four legs and attache them. Make sure the handle and latch are removed, and you…