
Nope, 100% true story... actually happened. Lost my first handheld GPS device that same trip (was one of these beasts from the late ‘90's)

You’ll probably be surprised how far mice can actually travel. I used to go deer hunting once a year, and the cabin always had mice when we showed up. The first few nights were busy as traps would be going off every few hours (the cabin was empty except for a few weeks a year - it likely doesn’t exist any more, but

We were on vacation a few weeks ago in Punta Cana and this kid and his family were walking past my wife and I, and she noticed the kid was looking around and not paying attention to where he was walking and that was going to walk into her, so she tried to swerve to avoid him, and they still bumped into each other. My

I get to do the majority of the cooking at home, so I completely understand.

Best reply for someone who doesn’t like your food is to tell them it is their turn tomorrow... or “its supposed to be tough, weakling”

the closer you are to the north or south pole, the more of an effect it would have when it changes.

Removal of the jack apparently also makes it far easier to waterproof without making the device thicker.

Too much water near the stem can cause fungus, rot, other problems. you want the soil wet/moist, not the actual plant, not pooled water in the cell. Ideally he’d have a buried cistern to catch excess garden water that runs off from the garden to use when there is a drought, but that is a lot of planning/digging.

My brother-in-law is a captain on cargo ships in the Great Lakes and has a bunch of these too for his region. He has a really cool one showing the depths of the lakes top view like a topo map and also from a side view and it really shows the elevation changes and how they drain into the next.

I could have mentioned going to Tim’s first but 1: I, a Canadian, don’t like their coffee and 2: that would involve getting off my chesterfield, locking up the beavers out back, scraping the ice and snow off my snowmobile, watering my moose, and putting on my toque-pants.

I’ve heard a few impersonating RCMP officers too, saying they’ll be sending someone out to arrest them if you don’t pay up. They get really irate and rude when you say “Okay, I’ll go grab a beer and wait for you on my front porch.”

If it came with one of those little envelopes for you to send them something back, where is says “Postage Prepaid”- fill it with glitter, baby powder, or anything else that will piss off whoever is sending you the junk mail. Up until the mid ‘90's you could attach that envelope to a box of rocks and it would be

Why is The US so freaking behind on social acceptability all the time??? We dealt with this crap in Canada back in the’90's. We even legalized same-sec marriage back in 2005, and a lot of other types of discrimination in the workplace (and out of it) were codified into law a long time ago (oh, you have pink hair - so

Have a look at southwestern Ontario, Canada on Google Maps with the satellite view turned on - farmland for 80-90% of the land here. and more than half use manure at some point... it’s much cheaper than bought fertilizer, especially when they have the animals on the farm at the same time... And they always add the

They still use it where I live, and a lot of areas around here - basically the whole Southwestern Ontario region - it’s mostly farm land for thousands of acres... You can always tell which days they spread it too, because even inside the city you sometimes get the odd whiff. I grew up on the outskirts of my city, and

If you take care of your compost pile/container, it shouldn’t smell any different than dirt. If it starts to smell, you either put something in it that you shouldn’t have (meat, dairy,....) or it needs more “brown” stuff (dry leaves, shredded paper/cardboard).

don’t click here then:

except I actually saw that it was a bumble bee after I’d dropped the shorts and knew exactly what it was by the sound when I heard the buzzing right before it started stinging... not much else has the same sound as a trapped, struggling bumble bee...let alone one near your junk. Plus the fact I grew up around farms,

Bumblebees will sting and sting too, just an FYI.