My daughters’ had two Addison’s in their grade 1 class. One was nice, the other was a bitch. So it was Baddison and Goodison.
My daughters’ had two Addison’s in their grade 1 class. One was nice, the other was a bitch. So it was Baddison and Goodison.
I’m gonna guess that this list is for US people only. My government’s website on travel to Mexico doesn’t say anything about the 6 month issue.
I know she suffered bad burns and needed grafts and such, but its coffee, it is served hot. If you want a cold coffee then get an iced coffee or ask for an ice cube in your regular coffee. Once you pay and leave the counter, it is your liability (barring a slippery floor in the store or other circumstances). Was it an…
It also says right on the packaging that it isn’t intended for those under three, and that adult supervision is required. so stop being negligent and use some common sense. It’s like if some idiot wanted to sue because they bought a freshly brewed coffee and burned themselves.. it’s ‘hot coffee”.... oh wait, that’s…
aww, why’d you have to and dumb that down??? Keep it in Celsius, no reason to convert it.
Don’t make a big deal out of it and be honest with your kids. I’ve let my kids see me have blood drawn, they were curious and inquisitive like most kids. They asked if it hurt, i said a little when it went in and it was fine after that and they just watched after that. One of them is fine with needles now, and the…
We’ve gone with the generic “surprise” without details - that way you can change it if previous plans don’t pan out.
I think the second part SarsAttacks was referring to that actually being a rule in Christianity. It’s in the bible that a rapist must pay the victim’s father, and then marry and take care of his victim. Go search and read Deuteronomy 22:28...
If you have a dishwasher made since 1990 or so, there’s likely a water jet spinner between the upper and lower racks- it hangs from the top rack and sprays the lower and upper sections from the middle, so large bowls or anything flat on the bottom wont interfere with anything on the top rack. Also, if you don’t have a…
agreed - sounds like excuses to me too. Nothing is stopping these people from going down to the local courthouse and getting some paperwork done.
Pinch/choke collars are for people who can’t/won’t train or socialize their dog, or are unable to have control and punishes the dog for pulling.
1. Don’t
I agree - I’ve used Off! Deep woods before and right after applying I was swatting bug away within minutes. I’m sure there was still a cloud of spray in the air too. That was quite a few years ago and I don’t bother anymore - If it doesn’t have a high percentage of DEET, then it isn’t getting my money.
I like how everything that is labelled “Natural” or “Organic” or “Herbal” are not really doing much compared to stuff that have an actual compound developed to keep bugs away. I’ll have to keep this for the weirdos at work that think homeopathy and fall for the stuff labelled “organic” and “natural.” I like to bug…
It isn’t free when they take 1% of your pre-tax earnings. I’m in Canada, so our laws are a bit better (1 year maternity leave - covered!...and fathers can take it too), but without a union I wouldn’t be making nearly as much as I am and I wouldn’t have as good benefit coverage without paying for it myself. I know and…
Also doesn’t apply if you are from outside the USA. still regular price on
Also doesn’t apply if you are from outside the USA. still regular price on
lol, literally 4 seconds with google, lazy ass.
Pin+chip has been in use for more than 5 years now in Canada, so there’s no reason they can’t in the USA. We’re typically about that far ahead on the financial security end of things than the USA anyways - we had debit cards in heavy use in the mid ‘90's. More recently we’ve gone with the tap to pay almost everywhere…