
Friends of mine and their kids went around March break to Disney world - they said it was very different and understaffed. They go every year, and we were there the week of xmas and it was busy and very well staffed. It seems since january they’ve done a lot of cuts and layoffs. Our friends said a lot of the free

Now playing

He has trouble remembering a lot of his song lyrics too. I was at one of his concerts about 8 years ago (with Rob Zombie), and from my vantage point there were wide, but short black boxes at the front of the stage, where you’d usually see monitor speakers. Through his whole set, he was almost always just standing

maybe for you, but i’m not from USA, so it is a weird combo of units

My advise would be that no matter how you prepare, there will almost always be something you didn’t think of.

From personal experience, if there’s some unreasonable animosity coming from your family towards someone you’re seeing, it will likely go away for a while, but it will eventually rear it’s ugly head. My story is similar, but the race issue wasn’t what started it - Actual conversation:: mom: “isn’t she too old for you”

You realize that most car manufacturers that put cars into racing are able to squeeze 1000 hp out of relatively small engines. There are 4 cylinder rally cars that pump out 1200+ hp to the wheels... Granted it is with over $100,000 of tech and so on per engine, but it is possible to make a lot of power out of a

I guess if you had the time and pre-planned (and was done reading!!!), but in the moment you probably wouldn’t have time for that. In my experience it was early Canadian winter in the middle of the woods. I was was glad I was wearing boxer-briefs...I was able to cut up the leg portions into strips and still have some

You’ve obviously never had to choose something for wiping material when regular TP isn’t an option. Magazine paper will not get the job done. And yes, I have been in that situation, where the nearest thing to paper is the fallen tree you’re balancing the winter. The only good that magazine is for once you’re

You should probably state how many people are being fed per meal? This idea will probably only work for couples or single people. Any more and there isn’t enough meat to go around more than one meal. My two kids, my wife and I easily polish off a whole chicken in one meal, which leaves nothing left over for sandwiches.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to pay down more of the principle during that period, so when you do have to start paying it off, there is less there resulting in lower interest required to be paid? or do they not let you pay down the principle only on US student loans?

up until they flashed on the video that they survived i was thinking “someone’s gonna end up with roasted pigeon instead of chicken”...

If you’re having pain from regular running, you’re probably doing something wrong or don’t have proper footwear. shin splints can be helped by certain exercises (put your toes on a step, lift and lower with your shin/calf muscles rotating only your ankles. do a set of 10 per foot 2-4 times after a run, or on an off

I dunno - when I used to run (now it is only for emergencies due to lazy), I picked my feet up off the ground and didn’t shuffle around so I’d trip. Then again, my running background started with cross-country, so some obstacles were expected (I once watched three people ahead of me hit the same divot in the grass and

So this?

I know of a couple that the husband took the wife’s last name. I don’t think his family was too happy about it to begin with, but when asked, they couldn’t come up with a reason against it except that is how it was always done, so they were fine after that talk. I also know that some people with blend his and her last

I came here to say exactly the same thing. Star for you!

I came here to say exactly the same thing. Star for you!

Any list that places Panzer Corps and then relegates Red Alert/Starcraft/Warcraft I/II to the “also ran” category is crap. Westwood studios and early Blizzard and the first Civilization games, and later the original Age of Empires (came a little later than the other three, still helped pave the way) set the whole

Top shelf doesn’t always mean best flavour - I stick with what I like and if I can get better taste from Little Guy Distillery Co for less $ per bottle I’ll support them. I’ve already been burned by a heavily marketed alcohol that tastes like shit (PSA: Patron ‘tequila’ - tastes like crap).

It’s just having a nap....

If your regular watering hole is serving drinks like that, it might be time to find another watering hole.. You might want to try asking for the drink without ice, or with ice on the side - Most times the mix is already chilled, and ice on the side keeps them from trying to rip you off.