
So the first thing to do when you get a GC is remove the flimsy front bumper, you’ll just end up driving over it eventually.

This meme also appropriate to the current GOP primary.

I only have time to fiddle with things when I’m taking star/moon photos at night, since nothing moves too fast. Otherwise I’ll let the camera do most of the settings, because I don’t want to miss my shot.

If you’re on Windows, there’s also Darkroom (clone of Writeroom for Mac - $25 or so) and Q10, I can’t remember if either has autosave, but neither is cross-platform or as feature rich, which is probably the

I actually still have my original GameBoy Pocket and pokemon Yellow cartridge... both still work.

Sorry - replied to Mark No, we’re in Ontario. It was a pain to get in, but now that they’re in, their children won’t have to go through it to get in, so that is good.

No, we’re in Ontario. It was a pain to get in, but now that they’re in, their children won’t have to go through it to get in, so that is good.

I agree totally. We do struggle with it, and we try the best we can to have the English part there for our kids, as they are in the full-French language side. Since neither of us were francophones, we had to work with them prior to even getting into the school - and it is public - and they had to pass a little

I’m going to go ahead and agree with this list. We live in Canada, which is officially bilingual English and French, so we have both of those as a choice, and both are taught in schools here - you start learning the other language around grade 4. Both my wife and I speak very little French (me less than her), and our

TIAT (Tying It All Together) is another youtube channel that has plenty of weave tutorials. He hawks his books at the beginning, but they are easy to follow and I’ve used his videos a lot.

I’d love to read the exchange of emails if the person/people who got this scam email responded with actual truth/history and see what the scammer sends back.

I had a stock ‘92 Grand Marquis and it got slippery in the rear around 165km/h (102mph). I don’t miss it so much anymore as I used to.

get two - cleaning them is a pain, and ordering a replacement lid is pricey.

get two - cleaning them is a pain, and ordering a replacement lid is pricey.

Umm, these are regular price $20 for two at my local Costco... and that is in Canadian dollars....

Umm, these are regular price $20 for two at my local Costco... and that is in Canadian dollars....

so if your congressional elections aren’t too different - just pick your leader from one of them? Oh, and while we have the Queen as official head-of-state, we also have a Governor-General between her and our Prime Minister. And while they are considered official heads-of-state, they don’t have any control over our

“Both the US and Canadian National elections take place on a specific day”

As long as they aren’t trying to sell it in Mexico, they don’t have to follow the Mexican law that states “tequila” is from the small area of Mexico that is allowed to call it that. Since they’re selling it in USA, I’m sure they don’t really care. Kinda like someone in Canada saying “screw you” to a DMCA notice. DMCA

Move to Canada where this shit is all wrapped up in about a month... You only have to cast a ballot once, and it is law that your employer is required to allow you time to vote (2 hours I believe, if you work the whole time polls are open). We’ve had snap elections for over 300 members of parliament called and wrapped

It would be great if the US could wrap this whole thing up in two, maybe three months... tops. Many other countries are able to (sometimes randomly) call an election, get the ballots printed out, volunteers sorted out, election run and counted and have the new leader sitting within a span of a month.