
Every step there is still relevant whether you are using a match, flint and steel (with or without magnesium shavings), or rubbing dry sticks together.... You still need to find and protect your dry fuel and your fire building area.

I totally agree- Although my vision is marginally better with only seeing clear up to arms length, breaking my glasses to use them as tools would be one of the last things I would do in a survival situation. Especially since there is no way to keep the lenses in front of my eyes other than holding them after they’re

Plasma TVs are about as efficient as the old cathode ray tube tv’s... LCD are the only ones that are more efficient. Regular LCD’s use Cathode rays for back lights though, but more recent ones use LED’s to back light - they are actually marketed as LED LCD TV’s, so they’re easy to pick out.

Nice write up, but did anyone else read the headline as you could build this in under 30 seconds?

Also, can someone ungrey me?

Also, can someone ungrey me?

WD My Passport Wireless (2TB)

WD My Passport Wireless (2TB)

Not sure about where they were in this video, but where I live, you “shouldn’t” pass on a double yellow. You aren’t forbidden, and won’t get a ticket if you do, but it is to denote that the portion of the road it might be unsafe to pass - it is usually painted on areas where you cannot see oncoming traffic. blind

ending bracket/parenthesis breaks the link as it is part of the link, and web addresses can’t have them present, so the link sends you to a 404 error page. It is still present in both of your most recent replies. So after clicking I took it off, and yes the website looks fine. Many might find it useful. I personally

While you don’t need a ridiculously heavy maul/axe head, a good weight is better than little weight. If you’re chopping correctly, there should be little effort put in to the downward portion of the swing. Most of the energy put into the swing should be in getting it above your head, and gravity should do most of the

Makes me feel lucky my daughters eat well. Our main rule is they have to try something at least twice before they can say they never want it again. So many friends of ours just bend to their kids not wanting to eat something, and ours are all up for trying things, because it has worked out in the past that they liked

You just made yourself a fan, and I rarely go to the trouble of clicking “follow” in the Kinja-verse. My wife is Indian (as in from the country India, not Native North American), and I’m Caucasian - there are some pretty interesting differences in our family gatherings too. And it is a good thing I like curry - it is

Nice, but I doubt that website exist 6 years ago when the original article and my comment were made? (also, the closing parenthesis breaks your link...)

When my wife was pregnant with our twin daughters, she was perfectly fine with me playing Rainbow Six: Vegas on my Xbox 360 - she actually encouraged me to after about 7pm, it put her to sleep. Something soothing about those incendiary grenades...

yeah, I don’t get people who put the grill away for winter. I don’t care if it is dark out by the time I get home from work...If I planned to grill up some steaks or whatever, I’ll be out there, keeping warm by throwing snowballs for my dogs. I’d even say winter grilling tastes a tiny bit better than summer

Have you ever gave the Power Block group of shows a try? They were lower budget group of shows that would run one after the other Saturday mornings from 9 am to noon on Spike channel. All the shops used for the show were housed in the same studio, and they went into building things from the bottom up depending on our

Good to know, and I can’t wait. Thanks

Good to know, and I can’t wait. Thanks

Capscaicin is an alkali (A base - opposite of acid) and so is bleach. So you might actually be making the issue worse... I suggest using a lemon or lime juice bath... it will neutralize the alkali burn, and won’t smell like you just cleaned up your basement after getting rid of all the bodies.....

Any chance you guys will do deals in Canada? I see deals every once in a while on stuff that I’ve been waiting to see a good price on, then I go look and it isn’t the same deal on I’d love to find a place in Canada that sells Raspberry Pi’s less than $80 CDN... shipped...

Any chance you guys will do deals in Canada? I see deals every once in a while on stuff that I’ve been waiting to

they do...

I hear someone mention “Twitch” and I immediately think of this guy due to my wife’s obsession to So You Think You Can Dance