
We have one of those in our town too - right beside student housing. Almost ever other moving truck that leaves the student apartment buildings goes the wrong way and into this bridge. the only actual way out is down the street the opposite way, and with only little signs saying they wont fit, each driver has a 50-50

Yeah,it’s also not good when the name brand we switched to doesn’t even work... We just changed over to Finish tabs, and I’ve had to scrape and wash many items after the dishwasher was done... not impressed.

that’s pretty much all we do too. or wait for cooler night weather for outside time, and keep them in the ac during the day.

for a shake-on-before-eating, my default is plain ground black pepper. If it is a spreadable, like something that goes on a sandwich, it is usually coarse honey mustard. If I’m grilling steaks, it is usually a self-made rub, or sauce concoction, same goes with ribs, chops or chicken. I have a simple go-to that I

yeah, if my one dog looks sideways at some food my kids dropped on the floor it turns into three full days of diarrhea... And at 120 lbs, it isn’t a little bit of poo.... no thanks. The only ingredient there that he is okay with is peanut butter.

yup. I have a week coming up with wife and kids, and the only reason we’re bringing a phone is to make sure our boarded dogs are okay and they can contact us in case of an emergency. I have 4 weeks of vacation per year, and you’re damn right I’m taking every second of that and not thinking about work at all. I’ll

screw 1,2,and 3. vacation is no-work time. actually, i’m quite a firm believer that work - the kind of work that you have to do to pay off all your debts (loans, mortgages) - is the reason people are unhappy in life. This doesn’t count for work you enjoy doing, like something that you wouldn’t care too much if it were

no, it was a grand for the colour, stamping and sealing. the driveway was about 9 grand if we left it concrete grey coloured, 5-6 inches thick.

Went to rearrange our furniture in our basement in late 2013... so not really home improvement...found black mould on the drywall. Had someone come inspect, and the wall studs behind the drywall were saturated.

Some people spend way too much energy worrying about stupid stuff... you worry about your cracked pie crust, I’d rather just enjoy eating

So, is there a way to turn off the start menu? I was one of the few that wasn’t sad to see it go... And I actually liked the Windows 8/8.1 start screen, even on my non-touch screen laptop. If you know the shortcut keys, you don’t need the start menu...

read the worded section at the bottom of the graphic... power athlete... 0.54-0.77 grams per pound you weigh.....weird mixing of units, but simple enough to do the math.. multiply the grams per pound by your weight... 0.54 x <YourWeight>.... you weigh 100 lbs, then eat 54 grams; 150 lbs then eat 81 grams; 200 lbs then

xbox one edition. Regarding “levels,” what level is sea level? because I’m barely three to four “floors” below that....Maybe the equivalent of 40 - 50 blocks below sea level ( I like tall ceilings)

well, nine people over 6 days... given an estimate for 10 hours of sleep and other things each, that is still 756 hours total build time...(14hours x 6days x 9people) if they were all in there at the same times, then it is possible. I can barely get a safe square building and anything durable (iron) in the span of 1-2

Seeing as I am 4 days into my first playing of minecraft, this boggles my mind...I’ve gotten so far as to build a safe shelter and make it so far as to smelt four or five iron ingots, and maybe gotten three or four floors built below ground level.

I wasn’t aware of this Q&A, so hopefully someone can answer - any idea on if Microsoft will start allowing us to merge or link two Microsoft accounts? I have two (one for outlook and Xbox, another with my Windows 8.1 device and android photo backups [gmail address]). I’d love to merge them, but they wont even allow me

yeah, pretty much the same thing for me, except it isn’t just one person, so I feel your pain. I work in telecom, so emails aren’t so ignorable when it comes to paying customers and network infrastructure issues. Luckily I am able to do my whole day with headphones and music on...but that rarely happens. If I don’t

Paired, as in only one person bugging you?? I wish it were only one person. Besides the regular interruptions I get via emails (this needs fixing asap!!!), on a good day it is only two of the three or four people that I work with asking me to help explain something they have been doing for over a year... lol. Go to

Any chance you know of a Canadian based company with a website like Energy Sage’s? It wont allow non-US addresses...

okay wait a sec - which french - Canadian French or France French... because they aren’t the same thing either.... (Source, I’m a native English speaker in Canada, and my kids go to a French school - yay for bilingualism). A lot of the words are the same, and a person from France would get along fine in Quebec and