
Yeah, 40k in repairs late 2013 to 2014, so i’m aware of how much of a pain water can be (damaged interior wall, mould removal, exterior foundation wrap and new driveway that was removed to access foundation - and then rebuild of interior came to just over 41K). In our bunch of houses my yard and the lady next door are

It is also nice to take pictures of the thing you are replacing - or even take it with you - I’ve done this a few times and they are able to help me and even explain things if they know exactly what you’re dealing with. One of our toilets has a special type of refill stop - it isn’t a float, it is basically a reed

You might want to check the grading of the soil around your house - it should have a general slope away from your foundation. If it doesn’t, it is directing that water down along your foundation wall...

You might want to lay off the drano - I’ve been told by a few plumbers that the stuff can cause more damage than help... and it is really hard for the waste treatment to deal with.

agreed! We went to move a bunch of furniture around in our basement in September 2013...found mould that was on the drywall. we have two kids and my wife has asthma, so we had a professional come in to assess. Long story short, we had a mould abatement company come in to seal off and remove everything on a 30 foot

All i can find anymore are seedless, and my family prefers them that way too. If they did have seeded ones, I’d be planting them all over my property so I’d have lots later in the season...

Not to burst your bubble, but there’s a really good chance yo’ve already passed your quarter-life... not many people make it to 100... trust me, I just hit 36, and i know I’m probably closer to halfway than I am to 1/3... sucks, but all one can do is make the best of it every day. Make sure to take those vacations, no

same boat here - just hit 36, and it felt like just last year that i was 30.. i still have to think for a second when asked my age, lol. and with kids, it goes even faster. Mine are 7 (twin girls) and it does NOT feel like it has been 7 years so far with them.. more like 3...

My wife and kids prefer cold watermelon, and space in our refrigerator is at a premium, so I cut them into cubes into containers so they just have to use a fork. no rind, no sticky fingers. and all of the rind goes straight into the compost bin.

I go with a mixture of straight lemon juice, cinnamon, and a bit of brown sugar - the lemon juice stops the browning, and the cinnamon and sugar both hide the flavour and hide any browning that might still occur. 4 Tbsp Lemon juice, 1 Tsp Cinnamon, 1 Tsp Brown Sugar per apple is more than enough... (It is also the

So you’re saying I just need to rationalize with my 7 yr old daughter that her nightmares are for her own good... the one she just told us about was being arrested by her uncle (who isn’t a cop..). How exactly do you rationalize with an irrational 7yr old’s weird dreams...

I’d take smoked over blue any day... I never liked blue cheese, and I especially don’t like it since i learned they encourage certain bacteria to grow in/on it along with the fungus... the bacteria is the same that gives people stinky feet and b.o. ...

Is it possible you live in a snow-prone area of Japan and the other side of the pole has the nozzles. — they have tall hydrants in snow areas that are accessible no matter the height of the snowbanks...

come at me bro...

Well, considering the alternative - skin cancer, advanced aging, burns, .... $12 every 3-5 days is quite reasonable... especially since most people spend more than this on coffee over the same period of days...

lol, to be honest, I haven’t played A&A in about 10 years now... with two daughters, it is a lot of pokemon cards, princess and my little pony stuff... no war games. at least they really like lego, which is awesome. They also really like catan, which at 7 years old (twins) they really have a good grasp on. They gang

Unless you’ve managed to let someone camp long enough in Australia that they have enough to walk over the map in two turns, there is no excuse for risk lasting more than 2-3 hours...

Yes, someone made the game from Big Bang Theory... its is a cross between magic/pokemon and Uno... where the cards are collectable, but the game play is based on certain colours trumping other colours and higher numbers in the same colour trump lower numbers - example you toss a yellow 4, which is trumped by a yellow

Ctrl+Click, Ctrl+Click, Ctrl+Click,, it’s 2am and I’ve gotta be at work in 6

Might I suggest using these new “bite sized” bags of evil for this.... particularly mars bites/milky way bites (s’mars) and reese mini cups...