
Not around where I live (also Canada), I know of three or four places within a 5 minute drive that have those bins, and they are all within 20-30 steps from the front door of the store... My twon also has a rather large classic and restored car community - the local Canadian Tire has the parking lot full of them every

I’ve accidentally forgot about the meat that I’ve thawed out until it is too late for the meal it was planned for, like when the kids are hungry and want food NOW, and meat will take another hour before it is ready... time for something quick instead. I still just cook the meat, or cook it another way. Then you can

sources? I provided some; I provided 3 direct links plus a google search link - the least you could do is provide a couple of your own before spouting something you think might be true but is merely opinion. The most I’ve ever read about running being bad for you is if you run too much (Oh look, another source

There are a multitude of articles relating to hot yoga/bikram doing more harm than good over regular/not-hot yoga styles.... I’d suggest sticking with the regular styles, unless you like overworking your heart and respiratory system, heat stroke, over-stretching your muscles (leading to injuries), not to mention the

G-suit plus flexing your legs.... a G-suit alone will only help to a certain point...

pilots also do this do keep blood from rushing away from the brain in high-G manoeuvres... It also will help you from falling asleep if you’re fighting to stay awake, like if you’re driving really late and there isn’t a place to pull over and rest for a bit - flex and release your thigh muscles in beat of the music

scrolled and didn’t see this one, so i’ll post it - sorry if it is further down the comments

if you’re staying at one camp site for a while (or even just overnight) and you have potatoes that need cooking, but not for your meal you’re currently preparing - maybe it is pre-breakfast time, and you want baked potatoes for supper, or it is pre-supper time and you want potatoes for hash browns in the morning..

Never had a financial argument with my wife. She worked at a bank, and I said what account info do I need for my direct deposit for my pay cheque... she is awesome and handles everything. If anything comes up we need to talk about, we talk and come to an agreement, but she handles the majority of it and I am quite

You might want to mention in the article regarding water heaters, that the lowest temperature is 60C or 140F - legionnella bacteria is deadly (legionnaires disease). Those temperatures are the minimum to kill it - if you get it, you will not be having a good time...

I guess there’s something to be said for working in a unionized place - we get mandatory weeks of vacation depending on how long you’ve worked for the company - if i remember correctly, it is set as 3 weeks to start, 4 @ 10 yrs, 5 @ 18 yrs and 6 weeks at 25 yrs.. plus a few other miscellaneous ones on top of the 8 or

closeness to Canada = least that is what I see...

Looks like a good correlation might be the “safest states are closest to Canada...”

you say “cause and effect” and I picture the Merovingian from the Matrix movies...then i read your whole article as that guy speaking it....

One - nice work finally reading some article from ~6 months ago and feeling the need to comment. Most people don’t bother as you usually won’t get a response.

snake leaf plants, which were on Melanie’s last version of this story, are maybe $20 at a garden centre (maybe double that for a big, well-developed one), or can be split off from a friend’s plant, needs watering once a week, or less depending on humidity in your house. upkeep cost - water...keep watering it when the

They’re good because they passively absorb nitrogen oxides and formaldehyde. They are also one of the rare plants that give off oxygen even at night (most plants usually require sunlight/photosynthesis to generate oxygen).

I had a ‘92 mercury grand marquis (sister car to the crown victoria). It was my first car and I was mostly pushed for a full frame by my father because “they are safer in and accident” line... anyways - about a year into owning it, some douche decided to smash the little window in the back door (the one that doesn’t

Just a heads up - anything that says it is SPF over 50 is misleading - they can’t be sure over 50 and there are no guidelines for anything over 50. It is basically just there to get you to buy it over a below-50 bottle. aim for a 50 in your brand of choice, and don’t overpay for whatever they’re doing extra to it...

Just a heads up - anything that says it is SPF over 50 is misleading - they can’t be sure over 50 and there are no

qualifying probably means if your computer can meet the OS’s new minimum requirements.