
just wait until win7 gets to end of service life - most businesses that rely on tech security won’t let the OS go past being serviced. Unless it is a small business that can’t afford to write it off, or doesn’t have that computer connect outside to anything (like a win95 pc controlling a router or something else),

Taste which was so hilarious, in fact, that the car was sent all the way back to Ontario.

the problem is the temperature of the exhaust - Harrier’s exhaust is around 650C, the F35’s is close to double that...

Taking the kid out of a car can be just as deadly - just last summer in my city, a pregnant lady took her two daughters to one of our local Costco stores, and they were smushed as they entered the store by another car. unborn child, mom and one daughter all dead. If you’re just running into a place for a few minutes,

My kids (preemie twin girls) have been technically underweight thier whole lives, just by virtue of being born 8 weeks early. 4 lbs each at birth, when an average birth weight is 8 lbs. At 7 years old, they are still some of the smallest kids in their class (by weight... they are medium for height in their class) and


mine are too noisy, asking weird questions or singing along to forget. And cute - too cute to ever forget, lol. (/biased opinion) They aren’t even quiet when they are sleeping!

I’m all for this, so long as it isn’t stupid hot or cold outside, or really sunny to bake the inside. What usually is considered “common sense” should apply. If you need to run into the pharmacy for the medicine for your sick kid who just fell asleep, then go for it and be fucking quick. Same should apply for animals

To be honest, I completely agree and I drive my suv like it was meant to be driven. However, when my wife and kids are in the car, I drive a little more reserved. More so for my wife, as she has 6 year old back issues from some idiot speeding up through a stop sign in a school zone and hitting her and causing her to

I giggle inside (its a manly giggle) a bit every time I see one of those flag burnings - technically burning a flag is the proper way to dispose of them - in USA and Canada at least. while it is supposed to be a folded flag at night after it is too worn out to display anymore, it would be more offensive to me if they

well, to be honest, the christians have that commandment about graven images, which is basically any carving of an image “from the heavens above to the earth below or in the water below”...

Had a similar sounding one like this a few years ago near where my wife grew up (she went to school with the guy’s brothers), and it didn’t end well... He was selling his truck online, and went with them for a test drive, and never heard from again. At least they caught the murderer (who has since been found for a few

kinda like Connecticut is pronounced Connect-i-cut?

you can buy 100 feet of paracord for about $7, so....

you can buy 100 feet of paracord for about $7, so....

The linked article misses one of this biggest “reward” point companies, that has linked with a lot of different credit cards - Air Miles. As of Dec 31 2011, all air miles earned are good for 5 years from getting them. And you’ve accumulated prior to Dec 31st 2011 expire Dec 31st 2016. So if you’ve been saving air

article is about shoes....

My wife has certain issues with eggs. If they are in a baked good or hard boiled, she is fine, but cooked in any manner used for breakfast-type food, she is running for a toilet withing 10-20 minutes. She even has issues with seasonal flu shots as they are usually incubated in eggs. I’m pretty sure it isn’t a

Agreed. Most people aren’t aware of how the simple sound of a dog bark will keep the burglar moving on to the next house.

So long as they still meet the manufacturer’s measurements,stay rear-facing as long as possible.

Laws are pretty strict here in Canada regarding child seats and restraints. We can’t even import USA made seats, as they don’t meet our regulations in most cases. If you’re in an accident with a USA made car seat, insurance won’t cover anything related to the carseat (read: your injured kid). Kids here have to be 80