King's Quest mobile! Can you imagine? Yuck.
King's Quest mobile! Can you imagine? Yuck.
Journey's coming to the PS4 later this year, along with cult PS3 fave The Unfinished Swan, according to a post on the official PlayStation blog. A line in the YouTube video's description mentions cross-buy: "Get more for your money with Cross-Buy - purchase this game for PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4 and get the…
I killed a whole bunch of people in BF4 yesterday.
I liked Remember Me a whole lot.
i kinda liked Remember Me.
I would so buy one of these Pikachu suits. Not even to wear but just as a cheaper statue or collectible.
Jeez...I only read the first two. I didn't realize they went all IP crazy with these additions.
Not technically videogame novels since they came first, but as long as we're giving recommendations The Witcher books are pretty good. Though one of the most important books, Sword of Destiny, was never officially brought over to the west there's a super solid fan translation that's about as good as any official…
Chobot's was done even worse in my opinion, something about her face looked really really wrong.
I'll tell you what I hate:
and I would go a step further and say that the fact that everyone had to deal with one (tri-colored or not) ending is a total failure of the premise of the game. As the trailer alludes to, what is the point of a "pick your own adventure" if ultimately all the choices resolve in a way to bottleneck you to the same…
This is a typical strawman used to discredit people who had issues with the ending by putting them all into one camp, whining about how they didn't get a happy ending. If you're defending the mess we originally got this is a very enticing worldview as it completely denies reality so you can feel better about yourself,…
IKR. I wish it wasn't true but the ending of ME3 was probably one of the most emotionally charged letdowns of my life. #firstworldproblems
Can your neighbor's sister fix the ending with all that easy money however?
Wait. What? Where did you deduct this one from? Complaint about an underwhelming, disappointing, ridiculous ending =/= wanting a happy ending.
I thought I was past the feelings of betrayal and hate for the end, But nope~
"The canadian RPG masters who sold thier souls to the american devil..." seems legit hahahahaha
Nope, can't be mad. Ending of ME3 was absolute shit that it really makes you wonder how the fuck it got approved. ME3 ENDING, NEVER FORGET! NEVER FORGIVE!