
Anita isn’t actually a critic, she’s a consultant. her job is literally to go into development studios and tell them how she thinks they should portray women in their video games. she isn’t so much voicing her opinion as she is forcing it on others. and to make matters worse since she has so many social justice

I was also curious about what makes Vávra tick. I’d only seen him from afar, in figurative armor. I’d spotted him as a pugnacious user of Twitter who would mix Tweets about game design with angry complaints about so-called social justice warriors and charges that, as he put it last October, “the future of our biz is

༼ つ ◕_◕༽つ THE POWER OF PROTOSS ༼ つ ◕_◕༽つ

Just FYI, Cruiser and Battlecruiser are seperate classes in EVE Online and the Hurricane is a Battlecruiser, so the headline needs updating.

I'm actually a fan of the game. I replay it every few months. It was the game I got a PS3 for. And I'm not alone, many people really wanted a sequel but we got Enslaved instead, very disappointing.

If BF3/4 actually supported mods we would probably be playing something like this right now =(

I would love to play something based on this.

No one ever should have respected Gearbox that damn much in the first place. The only semi-decent thing they have to their name is a depthless FPS game with Diablo loot.

Well, at least something about this game is entertaining to me.

The premise seems to be the same as in the last video, with the cute orange waddling robot trying to put together an old camera in a museum. And of course, the demo itself is real-time—not that we'll see this level of detail in games anytime soon, mind you.

You had me at Dan Abnett. God amongst Black Library writers. Let us keep him safe from the foul Gotto and The Great Defiler of Canon; Ward. So that he may continue to produce Eissenhorn along with The Blessed Mitchell's Cain Archives and whatever ultrasmurf nonsense McNiell likes to write.

Options! I hate options!

Man, if i had to cal the cops every time i walked into someone's living room to find a white board containing balistic missile trajectories...

DRM-free, inexpensive purchases of video media really is the best alternative to the mainstream options. Without getting into the pointless debate over piracy and the like, the only way to otherwise reach a customer base is by offering value not granted through regular channels. There are not a lot of places where a

Wha... what?

It's like a perfect hole-in-one in golf, but with more space ships and certain, grisly death if you fail. Would that more golf games also had those things.

That was fucking amazing.