Your PC Must Be This Advanced To Run Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Your PC Must Be This Advanced To Run Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
When the next Deus Ex comes up, the title damn well better be
When asked how many pages an assignment should, a professor of mine once said the shorter the paper, the more brilliant it should be; the longer the paper, the more interesting it should be. Well, the more gigs a game requires, the better looking it better be. And I'm not sure CoD can justify 40gigs.
Fingers crossed for a Kate Mara cameo somewhere. Near a subway platform perhaps?
I'm right there with you. My GF is a lighter/environment artist at our studio, and she fell in love with the skies as I played Destiny. She made a Titan class specifically to stare at the sky in the Cosmodrome for an hour, breaking down how she thinks it was put together, before giving me back the controller.
It might sound silly, but honestly, the skies were one of the biggest reasons I was so into the Destiny alpha/beta. Stunning work.
Dude i'm so numb I have no idea what the first was.
Before leaving the office, Hudson reportedly struggled to pick the red, blue or green farewell cupcake on the way out.
You know what makes sense? When you punch a dude with a giant robot, he explodes. That makes pretty fuckin good sense to me.
One racetrack, one car, one game, two years apart. From the foliage to the road textures and the overall colors,…
C'mon we already knew that guitars were dangerous. Just in a different sorta way:
Twitch has just been Google-fied. That just about sums this up.