
Whoa. When I read the article I didn’t really think much about it. This guy’s infidelity didn’t bother me, I guess because I had been looking at it from the Dan Savage perspective, but I didn’t think about how he’s not being up front with her and taking advantage of the things he wants and not worrying about the

The only way this story could be better is if you are in reality a Browns fan.

By a WIDE margin.

I’ve always felt that telling someone their laughter was annoying was pound for pound the most emotional damage you could to another person aside from “you’re ugly when you cry.”

I think your last item should be amended to “Reading trash.” No one from Scranton is gonna come all the way to hang out at the KoP mall.

Whenever repellant customer behavior is highlighted, someone will pop up to defend the customer.

“The race to avoid being the guy who loses to Bush.”

As a recovering nailbiter (I used to the do the flossing thing) , I just want to remind you that your hands and nails are fucking filthy. Don’t put your fingernails in your mouth.

Excellent name/comment synergy.

Less of a good sync. Also, less good feelings. That dancing pizza is deeply upsetting. I do not want to eat food any more.

This syncs up wonderfully with the music I am listening to.

I also do not feel shame. I wore them the day I flew from PA to HI for the express purpose of zipping off the legs in the airport. It was worth it.

Did you watch the AMC remake? It was confusing!

I have a little tiny Browns mug on my desk at work. One of my coworkers commented on it once. I just looked over and realized I have unconsciously crowded various other things around it so it is no longer visible.

This logic is stellar because it ignores the fact that Pittsburgh is literally farther from the ocean than Las Vegas.

This is a good joke, although the limit’s .08 here in PA - also in NJ.

It’s. A. Joke.

Please bear in mind that this insane man is currently leading the field of Republican candidates for President of the United States of America. It can never be emphasized enough how crazy he is.

500 hats, boy. Flag your poser ass up outta here.

How does it make them look worse? They weren’t actually hiding anything. Confusing you isn’t a bad look.