
Edmund Burke sighs disapprovingly.

I believe that it works like this. There are two classes, blacks and greys. If you are followed by someone who is black, you are black - your comments are black to begin with. If you are starred by someone who is black, that comment becomes black. This is some real star bellied sneetches shit.

Sympathy for the devil. 6 hours sucks. But even if the plane gave me 2 extra inches of legroom, I’d still be uncomfortable. I’m just saying the plane sucks, but I can deal. For me it’s more of a mental exercise. If I spend the whole time thinking about how uncomfortable I am, it’s unbearable. If I can get my head into

I’m sympathetic, to be sure (and like I said, we may be shaped differently, I have a longer torso). 6 hours is significantly different than 2. The only time I was ever comfortable on a 6 hour flight was in first, and even then, I would have preferred to just not be on the plane.

Now playing

Never forget that the real evil one is Eckersly:

I’m also 6’4”. Unless you and I are proportioned differently (34 length pants over here), I find it hard to believe that you aren’t being slightly dramatic. I went standard seat on a 2 hour Delta flight last week and it wasn’t unbearable. Would I prefer to an exit row seat (or, really, not to be on a plane)? Sure. Can

I understand your point, but I think it misses the idea that white men are not an oppressed class in American society. So for us to try to say “yeah, me too!” when an oppressed class makes a complaint about how we’re oppressing them is pretty tone deaf. The reason it doesn’t bother us when women objectify us is that

As a skinny white nerd with mussed hair and a significant nose, I am fine with the objectification of my people.

He fell and then set a personal and national record anyway. Winning the race isn’t the only thing that can be considered a triumph.

Yeah that guy is a straight up shitbag.

I agree that getting very upset at someone who eats food differently than you is dumb. It’s frustrating sometimes to see someone not appreciate a very good piece of meat or a good bottle or wine or such. It feels like the food is wasted - if you are just going to drown it in steak sauce or put ice cubes in it or

Thomas is ALL ABOUT “fuck you, got mine.”

I do this too, for the same reasons (cards are dumb and worthless). I boosted the idea from a friend in high school. I usually go with terrible cheap sympathy cards from the dollar store.

I want to be mad about this, but you’re right. Cleveland sucks. *kicks rock, slouches off*

You seem confused about the concept of “more than.” It is different than “equal to.”

Honestly why did you get your hopes up? When Love was out for the playoffs, that’s when hope died for me. Being a Cleveland fan means hitting the exits early.

“if students are in a situation where they can’t pay for lunch, they’re given one slice of american cheese on a hamburger bun along with a small milk” well that made me tear up good lord.

The cruelest cut of all was going to Hawaii (ok, maybe not that cruel) and buying beer and liquor at Costco, then having to schlep back to medieval-ass PA and have to hit two different stores and pay more money for the same purchase.

My oldest friend does this, too. I used to get my nose out of joint about it, but if that’s what tastes good to you then who cares?

A friend of mine in college did not know there was such a thing as mashed potatoes made from actual potatoes - only knew about the flakes.