While it’s likely that there was pretty damning evidence, I still think it’s a tacit admission of guilt that they were willing to settle. In so doing, Kaep got paid, the NFL is shown as being at least partially responsible, and therefore The Cause won as well. I’m also white, so I may be missing the point big time too.
I know you made this burner for this post specifically, but fuck, I’m going to pretend you’ve had this shit for years.
I’m not sure how accurate the demographic numbers are before, but GMG ran some numbers on their sites, and Deadspin was the oldest, most male, and highest income, if I’m recalling correctly. It may have been said on a Deadcast back in the Marchman days.
That sort of is what you’re saying, though. If you’re tipping below market rate with the reasoning that “it’s not a legal obligation”, it would stand to reason that the same logic could be applied to all tipping-based work. You’re not legally obligated, but it’s customary and you’re kind of a dick if you don’t.
Every single person in this situation is dumb, including AD for choosing to play.
I’m not superstitious, but if you are, cover your ears:
Those are good points, so I checked ratings and ad sales. Since MLB teams are privately held, this is hard information to really dig into, but I’ll do my best.
Sadly, I did not have any available data from the future to analyze.
What are you actually saying with this comment? That owners are hedging against future slowing of growth? If so, what is this based on?
His corpse actor sketch last week may be his best acting performance of recent memory. I genuinely laughed hard.
That record was very impactful on me. Various “Words of Wisdom from ODB” still come out of my mouth with regularity.
I want to bury this person alive.
Point taken, proving a negative is no simple task! Allow me to rephrase:
I will Venmo you 25 dollars if you can prove to me that you are not a fan of either of these teams, or are from their respective metropolitan areas.
I agree with the OP, that neither of these teams are going to be good enough at the same time for the foreseeable future for this rivalry to continue with any real stakes.
This is a weird fight that I don’t understand. I’m assuming that the accepted standard for you is 15% (correct me if I’m wrong here), so that’s a difference of 5%. A 5% difference on your bill of $100 is $5, which is a negligible cost difference for the customer. For the person that is serving you, this is…
The linked article doesn’t provide any information other than the promotional activities, which I don’t believe was the initial topic. I was trying to figure out if what’s mentioned in this article (avoiding the media for 9 days/walking out of a presser) was a violation of his contract or the CBA.
Okay, so we’ve established that you have a spectrum on which “presentable” lands. Let’s unpack this a bit further.
Who cares if you’re dressed like a dirty hobo, though? As long as you’re clothed and don’t care if you’re impressing anyone, dress like a dirty hobo all you want!