SisterCarrie_not the other one

Doing some kind of art or crafts? If you feel less-than-confident about your art abilities, I know a lot of people find collage to be a good way to start opening up those creative channels, and it can be very engrossing, which can eat up a lot of anxiety hours. Adult coloring books are great for that too, and you can

Job update: I can’t remember if I mentioned this last week, but I attended a virtual career fair and chatted with HR in Cleveland for twenty minutes, during which she scheduled a phone interview for this past Wednesday. It went very well and my application has now gone to the pharmacy manager at the Clinic’s main

I usually end up binging a light/comedy show I like and just finding stuff to keep me busy.

Any recommendations from those of you who experience episodic mental health issues? I haven’t had any major flare-ups in a few years, but late-November and early-December this year have been unpleasant. I have a strong support system which includes my family physician, and there is a treatment plan back in place. I’m


In the space of a year:

He’s a university prof in Canada, and his infamy started a few years ago when he objected to referring to transgender people (particularly his students) by their preferred pronouns and names. He also seems to have some regressive notions about women’s rights as well, which has made him the darling of the MRA’s. You

Commenter Flutterby plant mentioned pets; I would never advocate getting a pet if you are not an animal lover, because they are a lot of work, but they are great company in and of themselves, and dogs force you to get out for a walk, where ... you will meet people. One of my closest friends is someone I met about 25

De Niro and Pacino have sort of become a parody of themselves and it’s nice to see them in (earlier) roles where you can clearly see their emerging talent. I’m steeling myself for Godfather 3 which I hear is awful.

Late to the party as usual. After a completely awful 2018, I’m on vacation for two weeks at my happy place. I have a couple of timeshares on Captiva island. It’s a nice condo on the beach and I have the whole first week to myself. Next week friend and family coming in for a few days for a memorial for my Mom. This was

I moved continents. I kept the people that I liked in my life and stay in touch. The rest I bunned.

PatsyBelle approves.

I’m late to this party. Oh well.

I lol’d at that pic, it’s very Aussie. I worked medical claims for the DVA, and there were so many farmers of a certain age who just didn’t have medical records, cause they hadn’t been to a doctor in thirty years, or where you had to override the system that stops you getting benefits for more than one of the same

I remember when my kids were younger, and I said that I wanted the house that everyone wanted to hang out in. Those were simpler times. I’m so tired after a long day, but the 14 yo has insisted on having a few friends over. It started with 3 girls, which added to a rotation of 5 boys. I’m stuck in my room watching The

My dad is home from hospital and doing really well. He’s speaking up when he’s in pain or uncomfortable, he’s asking for help when he needs it, and he’s not pushing his limits unnecessarily. For a country bloke that once cut his finger off then drove himself 40+ minutes to the hospital, this is a huge deal. Also, he’d

Is anyone else’s pet already in the holiday spirit? Vader sure is.

Jordan Peterson. Sorry for not knowing who this guy is exactly but when I see his face it’s typically associated with MRA-type comments and my natural reaction to his face and I guess the vague notion of him is negative.

Frustration. My husband just got a notice from the state that he owes 1,600 dollars for medicaid overpayment from 2015. He had medicaid briefly in 2015 but got a job and let the benefits lapse (or so he thought). While on medicaid, he was required to report income frequently in order to keep it, so I guess he thought