SisterCarrie_not the other one

So I’ve posted before on SNS recently that I was preparing to leave my husband. Well tonight’s night 3 in my apartment. The very first time I’ve ever lived alone as an adult. It’s surreal. I spent the day either on the bed smoking a bowl or unpacking & making space for my sofa delivery & assembly tomorrow.  I can’t

Firstly fellow Jezzies Happy Thanksgiving from the U.K. Secondly sorry to be angry but has anyone seen the news? Trump has said it's ok to use lethal force at the Mexican border.. WTF!!! Seriously that guy Is a grade A fuck wit. 

Pompeo’s claim that reverse racism exists as well as her other dismissive comments should be welcomed? Why?

In MY opinion, you missed the entire point of the post, which incidentally is that Pompeo has a history of attacking and silencing women of color and then hiding behind her black husband to shield herself from criticism, which makes this latest performance of hers sound insincere at best.  Oh and if you think Monique

I’ve noticed the Internet Defense Force

So much this! As a person who has been lucky to be brought into a black family via the marriage of my mother and step-father, I have not magically become black or even black adjacent. I have a better idea than the average Becky what institutional and systemic racism looks like because I have my father and uncles to

I think the three shows and their three leads illustrates that Shonda had to become “Shonda” before she could dare to front shows with Kerry and Viola. Nevermind that Kerry was slaying in film roles for Oscar bait at the time and that Viola is, well, Viola “We’re not worthy of such greatness” Davis—network (and


Yes. Say that shit. When they consider just being with someone black to be the bare minimum, WHY on Earth would you think they would bother to try and do better? They got their C- in wokeness and they’re happy.

“Black women are often portrayed as predatory and animal-like...shown wearing animal print much more often than White women”

Sometimes I really wonder about people who are surprised by this shit.

I find white allies who married black to be infinitely more irritating than just plain old white allies. They go in with the assumption that they can’t be wrong and they know their partner will back them up. Their allyship is based entirely on leverage over the people they want to help and they use it to elevate

She went out over her way to not say white in this recent interview. When you combine that with her considering the word white to be hurtful in the past Twitter exchange, she’s pretty much Emma Stone in “The Help.”

I’m with you on this bitch since reading an interview with her, Shonda (her boss), Viola (a headliner) and Kerry (another headliner). She complained that she wasn’t given enough kudos for heading an ensemble show!

This is both gross and hilarious and miraculous. How he didn’t get the fire slapped out of him is one of life’s great mysteries.

Here is Ellen, getting praised for performing an impression of just being a decent human being.

Lady, you said all of THAT! And one more time for the fools in your mentions!

I don’t know Monique I heard that when white women do what they re supposed to do,in the first damn place, black people are then required to fall on their knees and praise and worship their white gods./s

So basically she was so busy being defensive she missed the whole message you were trying to share SMH
