SisterCarrie_not the other one

I’m doing well...had some health issues this year, but things are beginning to turn around. I know it seems like it’s been forever, but I occasionally stop by without logging in to see what everyone has been up to.

PCOS sucks and the pain has landed me in the ER twice this year. Good luck on your results and if you’re not seeing progress, I recommend seeing an endo to check hormones. Most doctors just give you a dx and not much else in the ways of dealing with it.

Pro-level shots, ysubassoon. You have a gift for this. 

A black woman gave her career life. She’s married to a black man and has black children. Are those the only black people that she sees and whose voices she doesn’t try to stifle?

Oh wow. Sounds like you’ve been going through it. Working out is something I’ve put off forever and need to start doing. I’m trying to change how I approach it mentally because I always dread it and need it to be something I look forward to.

I quit. Decided to rid my life of anything that doesn’t bring me joy. It was hard at first and unemployment is tough, but I’m happier.

IKR!?! I’ve been more of an on and off lurker for awhile now. Thought I’d search for my login to give you some encouragement. You’ve shared so much of yourself (weight loss journey, job, etc) and it seemed this opportunity would be the natural next step.

Go for it. Take a personal day from your job and go to the open house. Going may give you perspective and confidence to go after what you want. 

Sleep deprivation my butt. The doc who told him he was “misdiagnosed” just lost business and any credibility he had left. 

You stated it perfectly. I cringed as I felt her lies and gas lighting. She needed to get called out for saying Ms. Ryan tarnished her career.

OMN did not reveal anything we didn’t already know. The tapes were entertaining to the petty in us, but again no big revelations. She is an opportunist and all this redemption tour is getting tiring to watch.

He needs to lose everything else too. 

It IS a hail of microagressions. The only thing that separates the complicit from perpetrators is the latter act.

Question: are people still interested in biopics of artists who put out almost all of their business on a reality show?

I don’t care about their fears and trying to understand their triggers. All the ones coming out saying they were “set up” should look at the episode where Bernie didn’t take the bait.

Fuck R. Kelly and his unapologetic sorry ass.

Well most of us don’t like living around them either. Getting harassed in your own neighborhood, constantly being asked if you’re lost in your own neighborhood and stupid HOA’s all up in your business. Even when they’re nice, you’ll be getting invited to unseasoned food “cookouts”. Feeling is mutual.

Agreed, MD. That’s a level of self-hate that’ll take many lifetimes to undo.

Well, she certainly wasn’t dragged there.

That one is special. She had Spencer on and asked him to respectfully call her a negro/nigger/niggress and not African American because she doesn’t know anything about Africa. Also got upset with him for not inviting black supremacists to the Charlottesville rally.