SisterCarrie_not the other one

People should remember that when history is written differently.

There are other self-hating, race-hating black women that dispise her and see her act as disingenuous. I think Tree of Logic is another popular youtuber that spends a lot of energy poking holes in her commentary.

I learned about this red pill clown months back and her head is all over the place. In one of her videos, she blamed the NAACP for forcing her into the spotlight when her former classmates, including a local politician’s child, racially harassed and bullied her.

I feel like twitter and the media are trying to normalize her, but let’s not forget she’s a Trump. Short of sneaking into his room at night and snuffing him, I’ll never be impressed by anything she does.

You summed it up perfectly. MJ’s situation sounds complicated when it shouldn’t be.

I hope so too. This was 5 years ago and the kid had so much ambition but they weren’t going to give him a shot. Sad thing I was cool with the managers up until that point and lost so much respect after that.

I wore a headscarf similar to Ms. Erykah Badu’s styles once to a job interview and got asked if the colors were associated with any gangs or religion. Some people are just always looking for a problem to not hire you.

Waffle House needs to answer for that.

Agreed. Five years ago I worked at a restaurant and was one of three black people working there. One of the young guys confided in me that he’d like to move up in the business and wanted to start by working at FOH. I advised him to express his interests to the GM and see what he has to do to move up. I came back a

She is not a gladiator and should take off the white hat promptly.

I think Michael Jackson was the only artist I stuck by, but I was in my early teens when the last trial took place. Today, I’m not so sure where I stand with all that.

Glad I’m not the only thinking this. Especially after reading that Democrats and members of the media are not invited. Let them all choke.

Thanks. Not sure what she was thinking, but I knew where everything was and there were others clearly needing assistance.

Thanks, Rooo. I’m working to confront these things head-on.

IK, I’m still embarrassed that I didn’t do that right there and then. I don’t see myself going there ever again, but have considered going back to see if I’d get similar treatment and do the things I should’ve done the first. Also, I might record it this time.

A few weeks back I dropped by a Whole Foods and one of the stockers followed me through every isle. Every black person knows the glare that follows you when you shop, but this Becky initially asked if I needed help and when I declined, she resorted to following me to every isle asking me if I had questions (I went

Yes, I’ve always thought those stickers should have an asterisk stipulating owner’s personal beliefs on the segment of society they consider to be too far. Or just say that they believe in coexistence in theory, but don’t really wish to mingle with the “others”.

He’s no hero. America just has a short-term memory. Let’s never forget October 28, 2016 and what he did.

They have no minds. Just a heart filled with darkness. Thank goodness for cameras bringing this stuff to the light.