SisterCarrie_not the other one

What can I say? A nerd’s gotta nerd.

Thank you! Here’s another.

SISTER CARRIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

It sounds like you are really on top of his senior problems, and at a certain point, there’s not much more you can do.

Angry. Tired. Hungry.

Everyone’s gonna be gray pretty soon.

I’ve always been grey on the kinja blogs, except for Splinter before the re-greying. I’m only approved on sub-blogs like White Noise, Photography, and Groupthink, and all of those approvals have only come in the last month or so.

Love the pics sub :) 

Hello, my friends, it’s the Weekly Achievement/Do-good Thread! What awesomeness have you gotten up to in these past 2 or 3 weeks? (I’m sorry I’ve been travelling/working these past few weeks) Let us know here so that we can celebrate you!

Mine comes from the TV. Why are you gray?

It sounds like you’ve thought of just about everything. Maybe help him up and down from furniture if he’s allowed on sofas and beds. Dogs are such troopers, they'll do things even when it hurts. You're taking good care of him. 💗

I found my best light under fireworks this week.

This sounds like a cool idea....kind of sad that this is the first time I’m hearing about it.  They need to do more press to rally the big crowds!

100% NOT into this earthquake shit. I got through last night ok (my old house shook pretty bad and now the front door is fitting slightly different?) but as I’ve felt a few aftershocks I am increasingly becoming unwary. This whole 11% chance of a bigger one hitting soon has me ready to sleep under the heavy kitchen

So, I have a coffee date for next Thursday. Information is vague at the moment since the holiday weekend kind of threw off schedules and what not, but I’m absolutely terrified right now. So much so, I keep on looking for reasons to back out. But I know that’s just the old me trying to sabotage myself, so I’m just

Anyone have some senior dog care tips? My guy is getting up there - 11 - and I’m just trying to make sure I’m doing everything I can for him. He’s at the stage where he needs to be careful he doesn’t overdo it when playing/running but hasn’t quite figured that out mentally yet (if he ever will).

There’s a thing going around where you type “that’s my secret, cap. I’m always” into Google and see what it autofills. My autofill? Was “angry,” followed by “tired” and “high.” So pretty fucking accurate.

I like to pick up a new hobby. Has anything piqued your interest lately? Even a passing thought of “That’d be interesting” or “I wonder if...”? I’ve been wanting to learn how to weave but haven’t pulled the trigger on it yet.

Anyone planning on attending one of the Lights for Liberty rallies to close the migrant camps next Friday?

I’m sorry you are feeling like this, it sucks I know. I too am trying to lose some weight I push myself to go walking every day, it’s free and is good for you. I’m sorry I don’t have lots of advice but I’m sure others will have. Sending good vibes to you for happiness x