SisterCarrie_not the other one

So I got dumped this week. We’d been dating since last summer.

Congrats on the coursework and WOW you take some purty pictures.

That’s always a good technique to use, I’ll just have to try and actively remember to use it in person and not let my emotions get overwhelmed by his charisma.

I find preventative hits on my inhaler do great things for my asthma, especially before a workout or walking uphill. Once I do start to wheeze it takes a lot more time to get over it, so proactive puffing it is!

It's a crush? As I mentioned, he has no interest in me, I'm sure. And I have no intention of seducing him away from his wife. I can't even seduce someone who is interested in me, usually they get weirded out and start avoiding me.

The fact that you have a doctor-patient relationship opens all sorts of other cans of worms. Be honest about your medical conditions, end the professional relationship, and walk away. I know it hurts like hell, but the scorched earth potential is HUGE - damage to you if you feign continued medical problems and get



Two big things happened this week in my life. The first is that I bought my first DSLR camera! I’ve only ever had my phone and a point-and-shoot film camera. I’ve been making my way fairly steadily through Complete Digital Photography, 9th Ed. for a little over a month now. I was going to wait until I was done reading

Thanks, I’ve realized I conflated a couple scenes from different things together in some weird half dreaming half daydreaming while trying to nap earlier. I am also mixing up Flynn Rider from when he sees what Rapunzel’s hair can do in Tangled.  And possibly BoJack Horsman.

“This is brand new information” comes from Friends, specifically the episode where Chandler finally tells Ross that he and Monica are dating. Phoebe and Rachel already know, but they had been pretending not to until Ross found out. It’s Phoebe’s line.

To help with the crush, imagine something horrible about him that would be awful if you were out with him ie he smells horrible/he’s rude to waiters/he smokes like a chimney. Someone gave me the same advice on here and it really works. I hope you can get your sleep apnea sorted soon! 

I can't help, but you have my sympathies. That happens to me all the damn time and it suuuuucks.

I have a part of a scene from a movie or tv show stuck in my head and I can’t figure out what it’s from or what the larger context is and it is driving my crazy. So I thought I’d ask for help:

Hi Jezzies! I hope you all had a good week. I’m sorry if you already read my post from last week, but I got no responses, which I’m blaming on the fact that I didn’t post until Sunday. So I’m reposting.

Follow up from my last post.

One time my cousin was living in France and the bank had put €100 notes in the €10 note slot of the cash machine so everyone in town was taking out money in €10 amounts then joining the back of the queue to do it again. The bank closed because all the staff were waiting their turn.

Opening night is on Thursday. I never truly understood Murphy’s Law until I started producing this show. Really and truly - anything that can go wrong has gone wrong. But because I had eight months of therapy leading up to this, I’m doing really well. I’m definitely stressed, but I’m not yet to the point of burn out

It’s a good news/bad news week for me. Good- Women’s World Cup is on and the upside of not being employed is that I can watch all the matches! ( in English and Spanish). Not so good- I’m starting to show symptoms of adult-onset asthma. I stopped doing any cardio, and now I feel antsy.