I literally can’t remember any single still image of the game, testament of how uninteresting it looks to little old I-don’t-like-MMO-because-social-interactions-is-the-plague-of-my-life-also-I’m-bad-at-shooters me. So its politics I know even less.
I literally can’t remember any single still image of the game, testament of how uninteresting it looks to little old I-don’t-like-MMO-because-social-interactions-is-the-plague-of-my-life-also-I’m-bad-at-shooters me. So its politics I know even less.
And more power to you! There’s a place for that in entertainment, and I’ll be the first to denounce the discourse that thinks these should better not exist, and admittedly, a lot of them are.
It’s not the point. (I don’t know the Division, it might be quite fine) it’s about the people who can’t stand to even ask themselves what they’re shooting on.
That’s why I put “sympathetic” right after, to mean any kind of group of people you might feel sorry for in real life.
Look man, AI rendered children also happen to be programs whose form literally means something only to us, but if you don’t get why your relativism argument fails to move me if you say that a game spent murdering children-looking polygon constructs should bear the same significance as a game spent murdering Literally…
I know, right? Hatred all over again. Why can’t people let us enjoy slaughtering the innocent and sympathetic *specifically* without raising eyebrows? I swear to Christ, raising eyebrows makes me go INTO RAGE MODE
Fun fact: Snake is actually very, very decent with the ladies.
Speaking of heroic anthem, look at what piece of excellent musical study came out just today:
I guess it’s a good thing “story” is completely separate from everything you mention, then.
Actually, I do have one concern: characters of Smash are now majoritily ‘normal human-shaped’.
It’s the greatest thing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a poll where Undertale fans have been consistently in on the joke of what a farce this whole poll is and where Undertale haters have been so consistently narrow minded and ready to die for the cause. This is Important, Dammit!
Drats. These maps are nice, but they look way too recent. Some vellum wrinkles or tear would make it look so real...
I’ve only been accustomed with the manga, and I need to see how the anime turns out.
Can someone explain to me why is it that every video game hinging on the ‘treasure chase’ trope has a terrible, terrible story?
Hi there, have you some time today to speak about “entitlement”?
Long, long time Metal Gear Solid fan here.
This was a problematic mess since episode 2, but now it’s become a terrible and messy clusterfuck of epic proportions. Ask yourself this: what is Life is Strange about? One would have thought at some early point, it’s about the relationship between Max and Chloe. Or about finding your place in the universe. These two…
Okay, why is any and all of this a billion times viscerally more interesting?