
Ugh, can’t you go anywhere without someone mentioning Trump?

Let’s see...

Oh fuck off with your “virtue signaling” right-wing shibboleth

Also, funnily enough, when I was confirming my memory of Dance of the Dragons... there were two Aegons before, and elder and a younger on opposite sides, one became Aegon II and the other became Aegon III after his mother died during the Dance.

Agreed. This is actually why I never believed Jon would be legitimate, only an acknowledged bastard. It goes against all we know about Rhaegar being a good person, “fond” of his wife and children. I highly doubt he would have removed his children from the succession (they could of course, be put lower in the order by

I think they might’ve mispelled explain, and potentially made a rather egregious assumption about how you self identify..unless you know Emil?

Dumb as hell: Arya and Sansa going from being at each other’s throats last week to being in cahoots against Littlefinger this week with no explanation. It was dramatic, sure, and that’s what B&B were going for, but they could’ve included even the faintest of explanations during Sansa and Arya’s scene together

Reviews like this are why we can’t have nice things. Demand better from your entertainment than what Game of Thrones is providing.

Well, Rhaegar was a shitty enough person to start a war in which thousands died for his secret affair so he could have a magic baby. Not surprising he’d be such an asshole as to name his new son the same name as one he abandoned.

Your list would be even better is it ended with that symbol Prince used for a while instead of his name.

Maybe Aegon in Westeros is like Gilbert on earth? Both hot names that gets the bad p***ay!

Here I thought she said, “Edgar Targaryen.” Fuck my hearing is bad.

George Foreman named all five of his sons “George”. Proof that mashing one’s bits with someone else’s bits and making babby are not a guarantee of sound, parental judgement.

Holy crap I had even GUESSED Jon’s name would be Aegon and had completely forgotten that Rhaegar ALREADY HAD A BABY SON NAMED AEGON. argh.

Maybe he was like I always wanted to name a son of mine Aegon, but I didn’t get it right the first time so I’m gonna name my new son....Good Aegon.

A) Why did Arya and Sansa do all that ridiculous back and forth all season if they’re just going to kill Littlefinger for crimes he committed months and years ago? They didn’t have to do ANY of that, but that’s the payoff for why they were being so dumb all season.

My reaction to pretty much everything that happened this episode: “What?! Why?! DUUUUUUMMMMMMMMBBBBBBBB!!!!!!!”

Agreed! Language is best when it’s pushing boundaries and evolving, as we wouldn’t have what we have today without that being the case. It’s unnecessarily egotistical and unrealistic to think that what we speak today is what ought to persist decades or centuries from now.

Also... is a French Grammar Nazi technically a Grammar Vichy-ist?

“le cosplay français est très bien, une fois