Ugh, can’t you go anywhere without someone mentioning Trump?
Ugh, can’t you go anywhere without someone mentioning Trump?
Oh fuck off with your “virtue signaling” right-wing shibboleth
Dumb as hell: Arya and Sansa going from being at each other’s throats last week to being in cahoots against Littlefinger this week with no explanation. It was dramatic, sure, and that’s what B&B were going for, but they could’ve included even the faintest of explanations during Sansa and Arya’s scene together…
Reviews like this are why we can’t have nice things. Demand better from your entertainment than what Game of Thrones is providing.
Agreed! Language is best when it’s pushing boundaries and evolving, as we wouldn’t have what we have today without that being the case. It’s unnecessarily egotistical and unrealistic to think that what we speak today is what ought to persist decades or centuries from now.
Also... is a French Grammar Nazi technically a Grammar Vichy-ist?
“le cosplay français est très bien, une fois”
So the writing is bad but technically correct?
This video here changed my entire opinion of MGS2.
She checked the game’s map and, sure enough, some sort of GPS weirdness was causing her character to pace back and forth, gaining distance even though the phone wasn’t moving.
I feel like a lot of commentators here are missing the indicators of why this joke was aimed entirely at making fun of himself.
Look at what the wife actually says, guys. She’s worried about his safety, she has a headache, she brings up reasonable refutations of his points, she gently tells him that they just can’t…
Don’t be so oversensitive, bro. Fucking crybabies and their bro-games having ‘ethical questions’ or ‘challenging mirrors to reality’. If you don’t like nuance, make your own gaems. Respect frozen peaches.
(Did I do it right?)
The whole game was a training exercise, with Raiden / the player as an unwilling participant in a Snake-trainer, modeled after the scenarios in MGS1. It was the first big budget post-modern video game. And it was fantastic.
I wanna see people be this cynical about the story of darlings like Bloodborne or Dark Souls.
I gotta be honest here, I see no difference whatsoever. Perhaps it would help if the source image weren’t saved in FREAKIN’ JPG FORMAT!
As a huge comic fan and a current Avengers fanatic (oh Hickman (swoon)) and as a previously moderate enjoyer of Marvel movies, I gotta say: this was one of the worst movies I’ve seen all year. Not just comic book movies, but movies general.
That's exactly what contributes to her being so cool. She's not the 'default male' we so often see in games. Her gender doesn't matter AT ALL, and yet, they made her a woman. Shocking! It shouldn't be, but it is, because far too often, the default is male. And it shouldn't be like that. Portal goes beyond that as…
It's just a nonsense pseudo-axiom and a false dichotomy, as if "flirting" and "treating her like a human" are mutually exclusive things. You can act in a manner that is more conducive to attraction AND still treat her like a human being... it's not hard. They can be one in the same. There's this alarming view I think…