
And not Five Fucking Seconds after, you render that choice entirely moot by erasing that timeline anyway. Consequence-free moral conundrum!

I don’t want to blow anybody their moment-de-grace but, considering minions are now 78% of planet Earth’s components, this was just bound to happen.

I like how the entire gist of this article, that is “Witcher 3 is great but boobs are distracting” basically boils down to advocating for a dress code in schools.

So I’m sure someone way more informed or smarter than me has either come up with —or dismissed obviously idiotic— few solutions that seem pretty straightforward to me:

The scene when Tyrion and Jorah talk about their fathers was also “unnecessary”. It didn’t further anything, it didn’t establish new things, it was just a nice moment with our characters.

Say, does anyone know if the cutesy background music we hear distorted and creepy has a name?

Fun. Me, it’s wise guys who get to decide what’s worth being offended about when spoiled or not. Totally not subjective.

Tell me about it. Me, I was spoiled by the promotional pictures. You mean to tell me that it has enemies in them?! Well now I’m spoiled the fun of experiencing it for the first time in the game. Screw that noise.

What happened to me was so stupid.

Ah, shut up, anybody coming here to say something about “guilty pleasures”.

It's kind of a shame we didn't get to have a Batgirl in the Nolan universe, or at least a nod to the idea. It wouldn't have been difficult, either: first, have Gordon's wife called Sarah, because Barbara is barbarous enough of a first name as it is to be given to a mother and a daughter.

What I'm not fine with is corporate nonsense, smoke and mirrors, and spin.

Konami does. As a game studio, it needs way goddamn more than the salary of a simple man. If Kojima liked money that much, we'd have yearly installments. That's a guy that told everyone some of the games are not to be considered canon: that's not good for business.

Well, MGS2 was the first final one, and it really freaking asked more questions than it answered, that one.

Man, have you played the non canonical ones? Trying to do Kojima while not being Kojima fails miserably. The best thing to happen to Metal Gear would be either to rebrand it (Let Platinum make spin-offs that don't try to recapture the MGS essence, that's nice) or to stop it, and Konami never will.

Dude. Dude. Why?

Well, 4 was about how he catered to fans and how he despised it every second. Color me disagreeing: I think he moved past that.

Guys, remember three years ago when the first Phantom Pain trailer was released and it blew our collective minds before we realized it was connected to Metal Gear Solid? A feat so tremendous basically no new IP has done it in the same manner since?

I'm not sure I'd give my full trust to people whose wish fulfillment fantasy is genuine, actual, first degree, no deflating twist mass murder. (I'm not judging the kinks of anybody, but if yours is raping infants, you may want to not be expressively proud of it, all I'm sayin') It may not be a training simulator for

My, seems your crusading couldn't prevent this downfall from happening. Well, we'll be taking your mandatory payment for the game and sending you a Personal Watcher to witness you playing it to the end, as it is Law, decided by our decadent democrat government.