
Monkeys... Always gotta be such bastards.

I knew Jimmy. He hung out at a bar around the corner from my place and where he used to live. I used to drink with him in our neighborhood bar and we'd get drunk, laugh, share stories. He was a generous man and he had a generous spirit. He had the smallest and meekest voice. He was such a sweet man, but boy did he

Also, yeah, this is pretty much any token night at groupthink or the social thread. People need a place to vent, it doesn't mean they want their sig o to suddenly turn into an inanimate hole to stick their dick into. It means they, woah, get frustrated. Geeez.

I think you're reading criticisms that aren't there. From a BDSM perspective, this still isn't okay, because there's no safe word, no way for her to withdraw consent during the scene. Even for people who are into the 24/7 lifestyle thing, there has to be a way for the submissive partner to withdraw consent to physical

Suggested titles for his next book:

My parents were very up front about being responsible with alcohol and the potential hazards of drinking too much. Also, for what it's worth, I was very much a "good kid." But I STILL made plenty of decisions I could look back on and shake my head over — got myself in situations where yeah, bad things could have

I grew up with a dad who was constantly high, from probably about the time I was 5 to the time I was 16 or 17. He wasn't lazy or unambitious (he built up a pretty successful business during the time), but he was actually a complete and total asshole - physically and emotionally abusive to his wife and family

“All the greatest seducers in history could not keep their hands off of women. They aggressively escalated physically with every woman they were flirting with. They began touching them immediately, kept great body language and eye contact, and were shameless in their physicality. Even when a girl rejects your

I actually WANT to have children, but now I'm wondering if perhaps they could arrive some other way. Like possibly out of my future husband.

Wow...just...wow. She's wonderful for frankly talking about this, but my complete lack of a maternal instinct just plummeted from zero to a negative number.

Yeah.... that's not even remotely what she was saying.

Hey, you added that extra exclamation point!

What the fuck is this article even? No Jessica. This is not cool.

It Happened to Her: Survivor's Rape Story Butchered in xoJane Headline

If you're going to call out her headline, I'm gonna have to call out yours, how about "XOJane lied and said her rape happened at Disneyworld?" Your headline makes it sound like she lied about the actual rape, not just its location. Perhaps their headline was attention-grabby but it was only slightly inaccurate.

People try to eat tofu in very stupid ways, and then complain they don't like it. If I put a chicken breast in boiling water for an hour and then was like "WAH THIS IS BLAND HOW DO YOU EAT IT YOU'RE GOING TO DIE OF MALNUTRITION AND THE SADS" that's about the equivalent.

It's a good thing that the power dynamic of womansplaining and mansplaining are the exact same, so you can make this a true equivalency.

I'm pretty much done with anyone who describes rape as a "something stupid." Leaving the house wearing new pants that still have the size sticker on them is doing something stupid. Rape is a fucking felony. Learn the difference, world.

I myself am not vegan but most of my friends are. Luckily here in the Bay Area vegan restaurants are abound. Even if they didn't exist, being vegan is still pretty damn easy. If you are cooking it does not need to be a complicated endeavor. Most of my at home meals involve black beans, brown rice, quinoa and big

I used to work in a breast cancer clinic. One of our patients came in with stage 1 breast cancer, but denied surgery (which in conjunction with radiation and other medical treatments almost always CURES stage 1 breast cancer). This patient said she was going to try and cure her cancer holistically. She came back